Spiritual Bucket List

February 15, 2018 00:02:29
Spiritual Bucket List
Veritas Caritas
Spiritual Bucket List

Feb 15 2018 | 00:02:29


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Rhea personally, and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. As I mentioned yesterday, during the very old days of lent, the proper mass is during the week, not on Sundays at the end of the mass, there's a prayer over the people. And it begins with <inaudible>, which means bow your head before God bow your heads before God. And that's what we're all supposed to do. And you'll even see me doing that, the missile and then the praise, praise of parents for all the people. It's for all the people with bogged down before God. So I'll read you the Pearl. I'll do that every day and read you what the parish, the grace we're asking for today. Here's the peril. When we're about Don Sparrow, Lord spirit, I, people that having been punished with deserved scourges that may find relief and I mercy. Speaker 0 00:00:45 So that would be the prayer. At the end of the day in the gospel or in the epistle we read that Isaiah says to the King, Hezekiah says, take order with thy house with shall die and not live. So he gets told by the Lord that he's going to die. Of course we see in a pistol, the spirit, but that judgment is on every one of us. Thanks. You had how many people live as if they're not going to die. They live is completely unprepared. It catched them surprised as if they're going to die. And believe me, the priest sees this sometime we know we're going to die. We might as well face up to that and the best way to live it so that we're ready to die. Then there's nothing to be afraid of. The sick that people have. These bucket lists with all the things they want to do. Speaker 0 00:01:43 That's not a bad idea. The problem is a lot of time. The things they have on the list are upside down. We should have a spiritual bucket list. What is it that I want to accomplish whilst I'm still in my body before I meet the Lord, am I working in my Holy holiness? Am I working on my selfishness? Am I working on overcoming the different disordered attractions I have? Am I eliminating sin and disorder from my life embracing, pulling it and great. What am I doing? What am I doing to prepare for that moment? When I made the law.

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