Devotion To The 3 Hail Marys

January 03, 2018 00:17:10
Devotion To The 3 Hail Marys
Veritas Caritas
Devotion To The 3 Hail Marys

Jan 03 2018 | 00:17:10


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Speaker 0 00:05 Maria, Christina, the name of the father, the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. St Louis. Tomorrow for comments on the feast of the Mac with conception quote, the last time appointed for the Dempster to mankind of come, our Lord built himself a house, a worthy dwelling place. He created and formed the Mac, put Mary in the womb of Saint Anne, which he did with even greater delight than you had taken and creating the universe close quote. So the face to the macro conception is a day in which we celebrate the fact that our lady was conceived while original sin. She's the only human person we never suffered from original or actual sin or lady is the only human person. They never suffer original or actual sin. Now before we go on, let's make sure we don't get confused. Our Lord, of course, never ever suffered from original actual sin. Speaker 0 01:04 Burn Lord is not a human person. Real quick review. We've talked about this before, but imagine you're staying in a cabin in the woods and you hear a loud crashing noise outside. You think, what was that sat a bear? Zen elk. Is that a moods? When you're asking the question about what something is, you're asking the question about its nature. What is it? What can it do so bare as para nature clause digs around, he's warm blooded eats whatever he finds. Fish have this nature, they're cold blooded, have gills swimming, the water, lay eggs and so forth. So nay chance are the question, what is it? What can it do? But you're in that house in the woods at Calvin, you hear a knock on the door, you don't go, what is that? Is that a bear? Is that a moose? Is that an elk? You say who's there? Speaker 0 01:55 Because you're already assuming you know the nature to human personnel out there. When you ask the question, who could question? Who is a question about person? Person answers the question. Who is it and who's doing it? So nature answers the question, what is it? What could it do? And personally answers the question. Who is it? Who's doing it now? How does this apply to our Lord? Our Lord is not a human person. He's a divine person. He's a second person to the most pleasant Trey. He's God the son. So who is he? He's God, the son. And he asked to natures, all right, he has two distinct natures. He's God. It's got the nature of God, the nature of man. So the nature ants is, what is it? It's a wetness. What is it? What can it do? So since our Lord, his God, he can do everything proper to being God, create the universe, malt all things and being, et cetera. Speaker 0 02:51 Since he's a man, he can do all the things. Proper demand, which is be born, eat, sleep, get cut and PLE. Die because death means the soul leaves the body. So what is he? He's both God and man. Who is he? He's God, the son. So who's doing everything that that little baby laying in the main shirt or nursing. Who's doing that? That's God. Who's that running around in Galilee with st Joseph? That's God the son. Who is that teaching? The apostles. That's God. The son. Who is that any with him? That's God. The son. Who is that die on the cross? That's God the son. So he's a divine person. He's God and man. The second person, the most plus that Trinity is <inaudible>. So he's person, the second person person, the most blessed, the Trinity, and what is he be true God and true man. Speaker 0 03:41 Okay, so that's the review. Back to the macro conception. Our lady is a human person. She's a human person, so she is, and she's conceived the original sin. She's the only human person who never suffered ever from original actual sin. She's the Neue and God given her a dignity above all angels and men, except for himself. It's st Louis de Montfort says, quote, Oh Mary masterpiece and the most high miracle of eternal wisdom, prodigy of the almighty abyss of grades only. He who created the, and this I say with all the saints knows the height, the depth, and the breadth of the graces he has conferred upon me. Close quote only he was created. The knows the height, the depth, and the breadth and the grace he has conferred upon him. Now that might sound like a poetic exaggeration, but it isn't. Here are the very words pronounced by blessing pies tonight concerning this very true, cool. Speaker 0 04:45 Above all creatures, it got so lover. The truly enter was the father well-pleased with singular delight, therefore far above all the angels and all the saints. So wondrously did God and dealt with the abundance of all heavenly gets poured from the treasury of his divinity. This mother ever absolutely free of all stain of sin, all fair and perfect. What possessed that fullness of Holy in its sense in sanctity then, which under God, one cannot even imagine anything greater, which outside of God, no mind can succeed in comprehending fully close quote the victory of Christ. So today, among other things, we're celebrating the fact that at least one human person got it, 100% totally right. And that is our lady. That's not the half of it. By the grace of our baptism, we become adopted sons of God. So we've been adopted into this heavenly family and the ma that makes her our blessed mother. Speaker 0 05:47 And that's good news. Percenters like us because of that great father and Dr. Church. St Bernard says, quote, the blessed Virgin Mary's requests can never be refused. She obtains whatever she will close. Cool. So we're adopted children to the blessed mother and our lady obtained what she wants. So what's the point? Saint Alphonsus explained well, Maria is our mother and desires are salvation more than we can design it ourselves. Since then, this is the case. How can it be possible for a child of Mary to be lost? You may be a sinner, but if he recommends himself to the good mother with the perseverance and purpose of amendment, she will undertake to obtain him light to abandon his wicked state, sorrow for his sins, perseverance and virtue. And finally, a good debt. Close quote, our Lord revealed to the great Dr. Church, st Catherine of Sienna. That quote you'd granted to Mary, who was his mother, that no one, not even a sinner who had devoted the recommends himself to her shell. Speaker 0 06:51 Every dragon to hell by the demons. Close quote it out. Foxes says, Whoa, Whoa. And raged is the devil when he sees his soul persevering in devotion to the blessed mother. Close quote, pawn race is the devil when he sees his soul persevering in devotion to our lady. Because no one, not even a sinner who he recommends himself to her, she'll ever be dragged into hell by the demons. So today we'll briefly review one easy way to practice true devotion to our lady review. One easy way to enrage the devil, and one easy way to prevent being dragged into hell by the demons and everything we're going to say from now on, for the rest of the sermon can be summarized in one sentence. And here it is. Everyone should say the three hail Mary's for holiness and purity every morning and every night. Everyone should say the three Hummers were holiness and purity every morning and every night. Speaker 0 07:50 That's because the three hail Marys are super easy way to practice true devotion to our lady. Three hail Marys are a super easy way to enrage the devil. And the three hail Marys are super easy way to prevent being dragged into hell by the demons. Everyone here should say the three hour Mary's for boys superiority every morning and every night for almost a thousand years. The pulps have encouraged us very proud when he's organizing the first crusade at the concert of Fairmont and 10 95 urban. The second proposed saying the three hot marries for the triumph of the church and it's not for nothing that we save three hail Mary's after low mass because that's a sense for the same reason that pops through the 13th in Saint Pius of Cannes and pies to 11th order the three mountain Mary should be said after the little math lesson pies, the ninth Leo, the 13th and Saint pies at 10 each. Speaker 0 08:43 Granted special adulterants says for the practice of three hail Marys, which no longer exist unfortunately. Uh, but that's, that's how that is. But that's how important they thought it was. Everyone should say the pre Hilmar is for holiness and purity every morning and every night the pub should've encouraged the practice but solve the same. For example, st Philip Neri used to teach catechins the little kids, I want to be done teaching them. He'd say, all right, shoulder, is it easy to go to hell? And they'd say, Oh yes, father, it's easy to go to hell because little kids have no guile. They'll say what they think. They haven't been tricked yet. Yes, father, it's easy to go to hell. He'd say, that's right. That is true. But do you want to know a very easy way to go to heaven? They say yes by the, say your three hail Mary's. Speaker 0 09:29 Okay father, how hard is that? Here's just a few saints that recommended this practice. St Bruno, the Carthusian, st Matilda, sacred earth, a great Saint. Letter to port Marise, st John Birch wound, Saint John Baptist, Ray VNE, it's security of ours. Saint Stanislaus, Costco, st Louis Merida <inaudible> st John Joseph for the cross, Saint John Baptist, Terocin st Gerard Magella Saint Gabriel of our lady of sorrows, st Philip, Mary Saint Bonaventure. He's a doctor of the church, st Anthony and paddle. He's a doctor. The truth, say it on fonts. He's a doctor. The church and Saint Alphonsus thought so highly of this practice that if someone came to him to confession and he found out they didn't say three hail Mary's every day, that's what he'd always give him for the pennants. So they get the practice. Everyone should say to three hail Mary's for Hawaiian security every morning, every night. Saint Alphonsus wrote about this practice nearly 20 times. Here's a typical example. I quote from Saint Alphonsus. Speaker 0 10:33 We can every morning and evening on rising and going to bed, say three hail Mary's prostrate, or at least kneeling, and that'd be three hell married this short prayer or married by the period of MACRA conception, make my body peered my soul Holy. We should then as Saint Sana sauce always did ask Mary's blessing as her mother place ourselves under the Madam of protection. They sit here to guard us during the coming day or night for sin. But for this purpose, it is advisable to have a beautiful picture. The blessed Virgin close quote, Saint Alphonsus. So everyone should say the 300 Mary's for hoists and purity every morning and every night. Here's another very, very important quote from Saint Alphonsus attributed by hope st Pius the 10th quote, the three hail Marys are the best safeguard or chastity close. Cool. The three out Mary's are the best seek go out for Chasin. Speaker 0 11:26 Everyone should say the three Elmers every morning and every night for holiness and purity. Here's the promise made by our lady to st Mel Tilda regarding the three hail Mary's astonishing conversions and crazy virtues cure the sick, temptations, conquered business, difficult to go. They saw Holy death and salvation. The promise made to the by the blessed Virgin to Saint Matilda. Everyone here should say to three home marries every morning and night for holiness and purity, so the pulps and the saints have encouraged the practice. The heel Cree, hail Mary, but still have a spiritual writer. I call this devotion as suitable for everyone. For sinners is a classic example of devotion, of proof, especially for them by the church. Even if the complete renewal in our way of life does not occur immediately, at least a great change for the better will be noted. Our faithful perseverance in this practice will have succeeded, obtain the complete change sooner or later through our lady's intercession. Speaker 0 12:32 For those who progress in spiritual life to three on are powerful arms against temptations, especially those against purity. From my wide experience, I know that boys and girls who faithfully honor married do not usually commit serious sin, and this devotion is really very easily practiced for it's very brevity makes it suitable for everyone, however busy they may be, since it does not even take one minute to pray the three hail Mary's, it takes about 40 seconds. Therefore, up the 1,440 minutes in each day, are we on able to vote about one and a half minutes per day recited in three how Mary's in the morning at night in order that we may attain our eternal salvation. So the Pope, the saints and spiritual writers have encouraged the practice of the three Elmarie. But so I've centered, I will pull a letter from a center. Here's the personal testimony, but center use the devotion with good results. Speaker 0 13:26 For the last three years I've been as a slave of a bad habit against the virtue of parity. How could I get rid of this terrible passion? I tried every means available, but all proved useless. I used to give into very serious sins and even to Sackler here, this was most disheartening. Then one day someone recommended, made the devotion of three hell marriage and now does not even quite one month. Since I started praying at three hail Mary's every morning and every night without fail, I cannot explain what is happening within me, but I do know, I can assure you that since the very first moment has produced wonderful results within me, I have not yet to come to the empiric temptation. Since then when I had been waking just about radius to come something and others have, which has stopped me from giving in and a date, I do know that it was something stronger than my desire of sinning. Speaker 0 14:15 So everyone should say the three Hummer rice for holiness and purity every morning, every night. Saint Alphonsus says quilt. What mother would not deliver her son from death if it only depended on her asking the favor in order to obtain it from the judge. And can we think that married who loves her children with the mother's most tender love will not deliver her children from eternal death when she can do it so easily. Close quote, everyone here should say the three hail Marys for holiness and purity every morning and every night we'll close listening to blessing PI's night's description of our ladies power that he gave 163 years ago today. Speaker 0 14:58 Blessing pies tonight. Our hope do we repose the most blessed Virgin and the all fair to Maket one who's crushed the poisonous head of the most cruel serpent brought salvation to the world in her was the glory of the prophets and apostles, the honor, the martyr, the and joint of all the scenes. And who is her who was the safest refuge, the most trustworthy helper of all who are endangered in her with their all indie got sun is most powerful mediator to call it. Let's see, eight tricks in the whole world and her, her was the most excellent glory, ornament and impregnable stronghold of the Holy church in her was destroyed. All Harris sees and snatch the faithful people and nations from all kinds of DIYers, clowns and her do. We hope was delivered us from so many threatening danger we have there for a very certain whole and complete confidence. The most blessed version will ensure by her most powerful patronage that all difficulties be removed and all airs dissipated. We are affirming our confidence. They she'll, she'll obtain pardon for the center health for the sick strength, depart for the weak constellation for the public good help for those in danger. She will move spiritual blindness from all who are inherit. They may return to the path of truth and justice. And here the one flaw and one shepherd. Speaker 0 16:20 She stands at the right hand of Roland <inaudible> gut and son Jesus Christ our Lord. She presents our petitions in the most efficacious manner. What she asked, she obtained her please can never be unheard. Speaker 1 16:33 That's good. Speaker 0 16:34 Under a guidance under patronage, under kindness protection, nothing is to be feared. Nothing is hopeless. What she asked, she obtained her, please can never be unheard. Everyone here should say the three Hummer aides for holiness and purity every morning and every night without fail today, renew your devotion to our lady.

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