St. Clement I

November 23, 2017 00:06:37
St. Clement I
Veritas Caritas
St. Clement I

Nov 23 2017 | 00:06:37


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm Maria chrisma and the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Of course a Thanksgiving. It's a very important virtue that we should all practice. We remember in the gospel of the Lord healed the 10 lepers and only one came back to thank him. Our Lord looks for our thanks for all the things he's poured down on us and how much we have to thank him for that. He's brought us to life and especially he's brought us to this faith, the faith without which is impossible to please him. We can never thank him sufficiently, even in all eternity for all the things he's done for us. So we want to have that spirit today. It's a beautiful holiday in that sense. Taylor Marshall has a, has a website. I formed parishioners in Texas. He's a remarkable guy, really. Uh, he was an Anglican priest who discovered that he needed to become Catholic. Speaker 0 00:00:59 So, you know, at great cost, obviously with a family and all that came over and, uh, well he's got a website and he's got some really good things, facts about Thanksgiving that are interesting. He goes to different Thanksgivings that were here, but one of the things he talks about is the first Thanksgiving, the period one, he is earlier. One's in Texas and, uh, Florida, that he, that he mentioned, he points up at squat though. It was a Catholic. The parents had come over here, but they're starving to death. In squat Hill. John Smith had, had made him a slave Franciscan, friars bought him and released him. And then he, he got catechized by them baptized. He worked in a ship yard in England for a while and came back. So he spoke good English. No, they were starving up. It's a squad. Help them out. They leave this part out of the history, the books for the most part. Speaker 0 00:01:54 I know I certainly, it was. It's a wonderful news to hear that sort of thing. So that's just a little bit of Catholic American history trivia. It's the face to st. Cloud st. Climate was just mentioned. We heard in our pistol from the Philippians Saint Paul mentioning sync planet. He's the fourth Pope see at Peter Linus, Cletus are sometimes called antiquated and climate. So he's a pulp in the latter part of the first century. Now he's got extant letters. He wrote to the Corinthians, the Corinthians started acting up again, you know, st. Paul had to write from Weiss and there's all this chaos things going on in corn. So same plan wrote a letter to him that later on was read almost as if it were to pistol from one of the pastas and the churches for you. Now what's significant about this is that at the time, emphasis is real close to Corinth and st. Speaker 0 00:02:52 John, the apostle was an emphasis. And yet here's the Bishop way over there in the West in Rome, writing to a great church, telling him, start minding your man or be, Hey, it's a great witness to the fact that the accessory, Peter, the pulp has an authority over all the churches. And it certainly takes nothing away from the authority of st. John, the apostle, but say, Clemet had that authority, even though he wasn't an apostle, he was sitting on, on the chair of Peter. And so he wrote to Corinth and got things reordered. It's a great thing to know that they obeyed and all that. And people on all sides of recognize this, the Protestants and the Eastern Orthodox, recognized that letters being authentic letter. And it's an important thing to remember. You can do that as a way to explaining the Pope actually does have trades and rounded him up. Speaker 0 00:03:44 He got sent to the Crimean peninsula. You sent to a work camp like a prison where there's a couple thousand people working there in their mind and about two miles away or so is where the water is. They're thirsty to two, even when they're mining and then they have to struggle over there to get water. So st. Climates in this clamp, he's praised to the Lord, and then he has a vision. He has a vision of, of a lamb standing on this hillside, right? Let's put on a rock. So st. Clement goes up there, praise in a spring. Uh, gosh, well that got everybody's attention as you can. Well understand. And people became open to the face. We converted a lot of people baptized a lot of people whilst he's a prisoner. And as, as a reward for that, they sentenced him to death, tied and accurate to his neck, took him up and dropped there, dropped him in the sea. Speaker 0 00:04:36 Well, sometime later there was another miracle associated with it. Cause the seal rolled back like on this tie, that should never happen. A couple of miles from the shore and out there is a little marble Mazely, I'm a little one climate's body in a, in a, in a, in a, in a tomb and the accuracy right there, that converted partner, everybody else of course is relics. So obviously angels made that his relics made their way to wrong because it's Saint Cyril and Methodius. When st. Sam Metolius came to the Crimea. And of course these are Greek, uh, bishops, and they're sent out by the emperor. They're going out from Constantinople and they're going out to the slop. Uh, they're the great apostles of the Slavs. And when st <inaudible> get to the Crimea, they get, uh, st. Clements relics. And they actually brought him back to Pope Saint Nicholas. Speaker 0 00:05:25 I don't remember Saint Nicholas died before they got there, not, but they brought him back at that time. So we're talking late eight hundreds, probably eight 80, something like that. And his relics are now in the Basilica of st. Climate they're in Rome, ancient Rome, Basilica, there's frescoes that have things like the Martin little what we're just talking about. The marble Mazda Lee. And you can see the frescoes work with st. Climate's body. There's actually frescoes. They're contemporary was st. <inaudible> bringing, uh, bringing climate to Rome and so forth. And, uh, so there's a little tie there into what the great, great patriarchs of the East in that way. But, uh, anyway, so climates relics are in Rome. Saint climates is heaven. We should pray to him today, pray to him to grow, increase the virtue of Thanksgiving that we really remember to thank God in all things that we received really see his hand behind all things. We have a great virtue of Thanksgiving. We should also pray to him for holiness in the church. They didn't hear see because the Lord knows we need it, especially in the higher.

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