St. John of The Cross

November 24, 2017 00:09:03
St. John of The Cross
Veritas Caritas
St. John of The Cross

Nov 24 2017 | 00:09:03


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 There's a sense of time of Pius the 12th. There's an end Delta, whatever for America, this is not meatless Friday. That's not a day of bash, augury of Prisma and the name of father and son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the face of a Saint John of the cross. We have a first class Relic for them up there. So after the Thanksgiving aftermath, I'll give everybody that would like to see that a blessing with his Relic. It's also a piece of st. Chris organise he's in the Canada mass. He's a mater under a Dacia. So he's, uh, uh, you can tell about my head a little bit when we get to his name at any rate, uh, st. John, the cross born, uh, in the middle of the 16th century as a young boy, he's five years old playing by a pond, throwing sticks in the pond and all that. Speaker 0 00:00:50 And he falls in and partner drums. He sinking to the bottom of the pond. When all of a sudden this beautiful woman appears gets him by the hand and gets it out there. It's our lady. So it was a sign of things to come. He ended up entering the Carmelites in, uh, at the age of 21. He wanted to stay a brother, but, uh, by the age of 25, we'd still brilliant. They, they, they ordained him and he gets involved. Saint Theresa of Avalon. I asked, asked him really to be involved in her found refunding of, of the, of the, uh, <inaudible> the, the order of the men. So he's the Holy father st. John across to the caramel, Speaker 1 00:01:29 Right? Speaker 0 00:01:33 He's the doctor of the church. One of the doctors that tricks the mystical life and what he's a, he's got a series of works. The son of Mount Carmel, the dark night of this soul, living a Plame of blood and his works are all about what the, about the interior life sort of scientifically organized as it were, and by the interior life for the spiritual life. We've mentioned this before, but it's pretty important for people to realize that our spiritual life is meant to grow from the time we were baptized until we die. It's not supposed to be sort of like in and out of moral center, like a lot of people baptized and they get to the age of reason and they get in the habits of sin and they never leave that. And they die and don't end up where they were. God intended them to go when he had him baptized, because the object is to grow in our interior life and our interior life. Speaker 0 00:02:24 There's three stages of it. Basically. It's exactly analogous to the, the, the, what we call our natural life. We're born, uh, in w w w we were as as little babies and all that. There we are, and you go from childhood, then there's a crisis, the crisis of puberty and a person, if he successfully passes through that becomes a young adult or an adolescent, and then a negotiate to that. There's a second crisis, a first freedom when they leave home. And if negotiate, that there'll be a normal virtuous adult, of course, uh, there's a lot of disasters at both those crisis seeds. And especially in a society like ours, it's so diabolical. It makes it hard. So a lot of people are really warped. They don't ever really let it grow naturally have a full natural life. But that being said in the supernatural life, there's an analogy we're baptized. Speaker 0 00:03:21 We're putting a state of grace, his eyes, we're in the state of grace. What is that? That's analogous to spiritual childhood. This is also called sometimes the purgative way at that stage of our life, the whole object, just to fight the vices, to break ourselves away from vices and temptations, the struggle, the attractions of the world thought, that's what the whole life of pennants and all that is involved in it. We're trying to break away from those things to deny ourselves so that we're not so attached to things like a little big, when they literally grab on to everything, you have to teach them how not to be selfish. It's an elegance. And so at that stage, the life a person is struggling to be purified of their vices. They're going to confess, they're doing panics as they're doing spiritual practices has in that way. Speaker 0 00:04:12 If they're faithful that, and they're faithful to prayer. And by that, I don't just me a few hail. Mary's here with your wonderful prayer, but I mean, actual prayer, where they're actually trying to have a conversation with price. Like, especially when you're president, Holy mass is then most, especially when one makes us a communion. When you have the privilege to go to Holy communion, you should spend that time with our Lord. Those are priceless moments. You only get so many chameleons in your life. When you think many of the pews are electrified, the way people go darting out of a church right after they received. And they can't wait to get out of there and get to the donut or whatever it is so urgent instead of spending time with our Lord. So they need to spend time with the Lord talking to him. But then during the day, our Holy rosary and just mental prayer, which is a constant communication with Christ, a conversation with Christ and spending some time every day, setting aside time to have a conversation with Christ. Speaker 0 00:05:09 And we feed that sort of thing with our spiritual reading, which doesn't have to be reading. You can listen to sermons and Bishop sheen or something. That's the equivalent of spirituality. So good sermons, good conferences lives of the saints, especially hence stories from the scriptures at any rate, the person is faithful to this. They'll reach their first crisis in the spiritual life, which is called the dark night of the senses. This is equivalent of roughly equivalent of puberty. The dark night of the senses is horrible. You gotta pray that if you, that your faith, when you get there and when you get there, it's horrible, but it's totally doable because we're being conformed as somebody crucified. This is something as Americans, you have to get out of our mind that everything's going to be like, like in some movie where everything goes in, slow motion, flower pedals are going down with violins. Speaker 0 00:05:55 That's heaven and life it's following him. That's why we have the stations of the cross, not the stations that, you know, like a Barney with everybody doing happy things. It's going to be like. So if we get to that point, you have the right, uh, confess, confessor, whatever your transition through that, what it is is God has taken you serious. Do you want to be Holy? I'll make you Holy in the re it hurts because he's readjusting all the damage in the sense that that's what you've been. So it makes a lot easier to be virtuous. And then there, the prayer starts to change. Instead of being discursive, thinking for one point to the next, they start thinking like love. Speaker 0 00:06:32 And there they are. It's a prayer of simplicity. It's God working in them. And this isn't some weird Eastern exercise, you know, where you sit there and do weird, strange postures and all that. And that, no, it's something God's doing in the soul. And that they'd go into the wounded way with this in that second stage is equivalent to spiritual adolescents. If a person continues on that you don't know, and is faithful. And we don't know who God has that reserved too. There's another dark night, the dark night, and a spirit where your purifies and things of the spirit in this adolescent age, instead of working on conquering the biases, which is always in the back rock, then it's working on growing in the virtues. And as they grow on the virtues, they'll get up to the second thing. If it's a pleasing to God and go through that state, but people should shoot for that. Speaker 0 00:07:21 And that's the dark night of the, of the spirit and they're purified and their spiritual faculties. And they can go through that. And all this stuff gets rid of purgatory time, too. I mean, it's a win, win situation. They're going to have a higher place and having a, getting rid of purgatory time, everything gets easier in life. The prayer it's going to be tough, but I mean, that's just life anyway, where we find ourselves in this world, there's only one way out and you've got two chances. We're going to all die. You've got two options. If the end of that, they're picked the high one anyway, and shoot for that. When people shoot for purgatory, are you crazy? What if you miss? So shoot for heaven? So the person keeps on trying to do that. They go through the dark night of the, of the spirit, and then they're, they, they're actually in the unity of boy, there's even stages in that, but that's not important for what we're speaking of here. Speaker 0 00:08:09 St. John crosses a doctor, scientifically explaining all these things is books. How does, if people get there, how to go there and all that. So that's the significance of him as he's recorded all this for all of us that are interested, those things to, uh, to understand, I'll leave you with just a, to one of his thoughts here. So I wrote down a beautiful thought, I think of st. John of the cross, and we'll continue with mass to suffer for the sake of God is a true characteristic of as low as we see in Christ and his martyrs and persecution are the means to enter into the depth or the change to the knowledge of the mystery of the cross, a necessary condition for comprehending the depth of the wisdom of God and his story.

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