St. Timothy

January 24, 2018 00:02:22
St. Timothy
Veritas Caritas
St. Timothy

Jan 24 2018 | 00:02:22


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I've Maria schema and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the feast of Saint Timothy. Saint Paul wrote two letters to them as Saint Timothy. Uh, his dad was a Gentile. His mom was Jewish. He was already a Catholic when st. Paul encountered him as a young man, he came from Asia minor place called Leister, I think. And, uh, he became Saint Paul's companion in his journeys, and then st. Paul consecrated them a Bishop and made him the Bishop of Ephesus. So he's a Bishop of emphasis. And it's interesting because you have these bishops, but at the same time you have apostles wandering around. So they're established and bishops cause apostles had this universal jurisdiction. They're under a course st. Peter, but they have a universal jurisdiction and go wherever the spirit leads. And then they send up bishops to work for them, work for Christ and the church at any rate st uh, st. Speaker 0 00:00:58 Timothy's and emphasis and rules there. When Saint John wrote the apocalypse, he's the angel at the emphasis on the letters to the churches. In the beginning of the apocalypse, the first few chapters, the angels are the different bishops of the church, the Saint Timothy, although he isn't named by name, he's the angel of emphasis there, the ended up being modern emphasis. There were people worshiping Diana, and he went down there to rebuke them and he got stoned and it didn't quite kill him. His followers, uh, carried him off and he died, uh, not far away from there. And I believe this is about the year 1997. Some of the authors go different years, but it seems most authors seem to be about the year nine and seven at st. Timothy was martyr. They says rocks were later taken to Constantinople and put, put in under the altar of the church, the Holy apostles there, where they had a great effect on anybody that was afflicted with demons, people would come there and st. Timothy's relics would really torment the demons and help the people. Anyway, that's just a little bit on st. Timothy, great Bishop today. You should pray to him for our Bishop and for all bishops, they really receive a share in that kind of spirit that they're faithful witnesses to Christ on the death.

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