We Know Not the Day Nor the Hour

October 12, 2003 00:13:58
We Know Not the Day Nor the Hour
Veritas Caritas
We Know Not the Day Nor the Hour

Oct 12 2003 | 00:13:58


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Speaker 0 00:03 Edit just gotten back from town. I could take any trip there with his two little kids got out of his pickup, lay down on the front lawn and died. We know not the day nor the hour. Eric was taking his motorcycle out for a spin when you're on a curve and was a pickup in the wrong lane, but you know not today nor the hour. Joseph had just come back from the funeral where he buried his father-in-law sat down, had a massive stroke. We know not the day or the hour. <inaudible> Kirk was sitting at the kitchen table and his brother was showing him how to operate the safety on the 22 when it went off. He lived long enough to know he was going to die. Speaker 0 01:09 We know not the day one of the hour. Nelson died in the arms of a woman, not his wife. We know not the day nor the hour. Elizabeth was enjoying a pleasant meal with friends when she choked to death on a small piece of me. Well, you know, not the day nor the hour. Nicholas was running to catch a ball. At the same time a teenager was speeding through the neighborhood. He was seven we know not the day, nor the hour. Zach was enjoying himself diving and he struck his head. We know not the day nor the hour. Jared was enjoying his dream hunt in Montana. He's sweating, he's out of shape, hunting hard temperature dropped, got hypothermia and died. Speaker 0 02:23 We know not today and one of the hour no one gets out alive. No one Saint Alphonsus says the sense of death has been written against all men. You are a man, you must die. Saint Cyprian says, we are born with the noose around our neck. Every step we take brings us near to death. St Augustine says, God is not promised tomorrow. Perhaps you will give it to you and perhaps he will not. Santa Fanta, SAS. What would you say if you saw condemn man walking into the gallows, joking, laughing, looking around in every direction, thinking of nothing but joking, partying and amusements. What would you think of that condemn man and are you on your way to death? Speaker 0 03:39 What are you thinking about? We know not today, no. To the our death is certain Christians know this truth. They believe and even see this truth every day. How then can they live self where we get three kid full of death as if they will never have to die? If after this life there were no hell or a hell man, could they think of it less than they do at present Saint Gregory the great says, God conceals the hour of death from us for our own good so that we will live in a manner so as to always be prepared to die. Speaker 0 04:37 When the devil tempts you saying, tomorrow you can go to confession, you need to answer, how do I know that I will have it tomorrow? If at this moment did I sin against God and God requires of me in my life, what will become of me then what will become of me for all eternity? St Augustan says, it is a just punishment that the sinner who was unwilling to convert when he had the opportunity to do so and could save a soul will not be able to when he is willing. Saint John of the cross, that great sink dr the church when he was told that he was dying, said, Oh, did I only had more time to prepare for death? Speaker 1 05:43 <inaudible> Speaker 0 05:45 Saint Teresa of Avila says, remember those centers that the Lord who will one day be your judge is now calling you to return to Saint Dennis. Their YAPA guide says, God follows sinners like a despised lover, begging them to not destroy their souls. St John Chris' system says, Christ himself begs, you don't, what does he beg you to do to be reconciled to God for does not God. That acts like an enemy, but rather you with your sin. St Augustine says that God, if you were not God would be on just on account of that incredible mercy and patience that he exercises towards sinners were abusing him. Speaker 0 06:51 Saint Alphonsus says, Oh, how great is the mercy of God in waiting for repentance? My brother, when you offended God, he could have struck you dead, but he waited for you instead of chest guys and you, he's poured down favors of you. He's preserved your life and provided for you. He pretended to not see your sins in order that you might repent. We need to realize that although God waits for the conversion of sinners and bears with their sins, he does not wait and there forever according to the fathers and doctors of the church, st Bazell, st Jerome, Saint Ambrose, st Cyril of Alexandria, st John Chrysostom, Saint Augustan and Saint Alphonsus commenting on the authentic meaning of the scriptural patch, ditch wisdom 1121 thou has to order it all things in measure and it number and then wait. These saints teach the justice God has fixed for each man. The number of his days, the number of the amount of health and the talents he will give to him. So also God has determined the number of sins that he will pardon that man. And when this number is completed, he'll pardon that man no more. Speaker 0 08:49 It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. God waits until the measure of an equities is filled up and then he chastises the sinner, say Alfonsa SAS who can discover the number of sins which God will pardon each individual. We should tremble my brother. It may be that God will pardon you no more after the first criminal pleasure in which you indulge after the first evil thought to which you consent or after the first mortal sin that you connect, Ford is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Saint Gregory the great relates the child having reached the age of reason for uttering a blast and B was condemned to hell for all eternity and he deserves it. Speaker 0 09:57 Here's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The busted version reveal to the seven of God Benedict the Florence that a girl of 12 years old was damned after first mortal sin. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of living God. Saint Gregory, the great says that God punish is with the greatest rigger. Those whom he waits for with the greatest patients. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. It's the common teaching of the theologians that our particular judgment takes place at the very moment of death. As soon as the soul separates from the body and at the very spot of death, the soul must appear before the judgment seat of our Lord Jesus Christ. There will be two books read from the gospel and the conscience of the center in the gospel. We read what the center should have done. A com is conscious will be read what the center has done. Speaker 0 11:28 The accusers will then step forward. Thirst. The devil. St Augustan says that the devil will charge us before our face with what we have done. He was state the day and the hour in which we have sinned. Next, our guardian angel comes forward. Origin says, our angel say, I have labored for so many years for salvation of that man, but he has despised my warnings. Then his conscience will accuse him. Saint Bernard says, the very sins on his conscience will cry out saying, you made us. We are your works and we will not abandon you. Now God will place before the center. All the good examples. Examples of the saints, all the lights, grace is in helps and inspirations that were given to him throughout his life. And the center will have to render an account of all the time given him and every idle word, every evil word, evil and evil Dee at the particular judgment. There are no lawyers. There is no defense. There are no excuses. God knows everything. There is no appeal on this judgment pangs, eternity. This judgment is perfectly just. There is no mercy. The time for mercy ended at death. No mercy, no excuses, no appeal, no escape. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Speaker 0 13:32 The time for mercy is now. Stop sending repent. Go to confession. Pretty no. Nah. The day nor the hour, and it is a terrible thing to follow into the hands of the living God.

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