The Presentation of the Lord

February 02, 2018 00:06:28
The Presentation of the Lord
Veritas Caritas
The Presentation of the Lord

Feb 02 2018 | 00:06:28


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm Mary at Prisma and the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. In the presentation there of our Lord, the temple. It's also the purification of our lady because there's two things going on in the law. At the same time, we see foreshadowing to what's going to happen at the foot of the cross. We see our lady being United our Lord at this time. Cause Semyon takes the Lord in her arms. It is arms rather. And he says the Nikta Midis that we just heard. And then he turns to our lady and said of sort of a SAR shall Pierce your heart. And out of that, the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And of course our lady's heart is pierced there at the foot of the cross. As she's a sin, it says assessing our Lord in his work of redeeming the world, she's the Cora Dentrix. Speaker 0 00:00:53 And she's United with them from the very beginning of his life, our Lord's life to the very end of his life and the course and eternity that she's United with our Lord and his sacrifice on the cross is paying the price for all men. We know that our lady didn't suffer any pain. When she gave birth to our Lord at all, that he came out as it were like glass to window pain, but she suffered all the pains of childbirth in unbelievable way, giving birth to the church at the foot of the cross, if she's the mother of sorrow. So we see all these things happening and type right there. We are as also Simeon points out that the thoughts of any heart shall be revealed. And if people pay attention, it's pretty easy to see those kinds of things. How many people, for example, pay any attention to our lady's message at Fatima. Speaker 0 00:01:54 Now people will say it's a private revelation, but the miracle isn't a private revelation. It's a miracle. It's a public miracle. It's something unparalleled in history. Since the gospel time, we only have a few miracles like that in the entire history of the world. Moses parting, the red sea, Joshua stopping the sun and the moon, the sky Isaiah causing the sun to go back nine hours. Our Lord during the crucifixion, it's a full moon. And yet you have a totally clips of the sun and the miracle of Fatima and who pays attention to it. It is not possible almost to get people's attention in our day and age. We're so busy with everything. Our Lord sent his mother. That's a last resort to get the attention of mankind and to do a miracle unparalleled in the past 2000 years, something we haven't seen since the time of scripture and people young, and they can't be bothered. If it was going to show up on TV, they quick flip the channel. I wonder what's going on on the home cooking channel or something. Speaker 0 00:03:16 They could care less. The thought of hearts are being revealed. You can see it architecture and liturgically in so many of the masses. We have, you got a lot of churches now. They got Jesus and time up. Where is he? You got to wander around looking for him. They got him in some chapel. Stumbling. Now think of that. Our Lord and our lady do perfectly what Adam Neve blue for us. He's the new Adam. She's the new Eve. Adam, any sin, God mankind thrown out of the garden. Driven out of the garden. They reached, took from the fruit, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And they were driven up in our Lord and lady do all things perfectly. And the liturgy is committed to restore things. Here's the fruit of the tree of life. And now we built chapels to keep them away for a month. It's like, we're saying our father in heaven, you stay there. Speaker 0 00:04:19 And people come up instead of receiving communion at the hands of the priest, they snatch it. Like he snatched the prude off the tree. Why do religious keep their hands together and behind, for example, their scaffold, when they come up to community so they won't reach out, they're making reparations for you. And yet in how many churches are we reaching out and snatching out food that we don't even want bother? Cause it's a celebration of mankind. We're going to stand in the presence of the lore and reach out and grab. It's pretty easy to see what's going on or the bishops and priests complain about vocation. What do they think? These come in like meteorites from outer space. They can look out in the pews, where are the kids? But they can't find the testosterone to tell me. Maybe we better do something about this. In fact, when you have marriage preparation, most diocese it's mandatory to make them take a class on how not to have kids. The thoughts the hearts are being revealed is more important for people to celebrate themselves in this Facebook reality, social media, talking about everything. Well, what about him? Where does he fit in to the average person's life? The baptized Catholics lie. The average baptize that confirmed Catholics lie. If they say grace today, that's a lot of praying. We need to pray. We need to get serious. We need to make sure that our hearts is they're being revealed. How with him not with someone else.

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