The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: Upcoming Events and the Final Judgement

November 30, 2008 00:27:12
The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: Upcoming Events and the Final Judgement
Veritas Caritas
The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: Upcoming Events and the Final Judgement

Nov 30 2008 | 00:27:12


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Speaker 1 00:00:01 But the day of the Lord should come as a thief in which the heavens shall pass away with great violence and the elements shall be melted with heat and the earth and the works, which are in it shall be burnt up the name of the father and the son and the Holy ghost. Amen. Once again, the church place is the end of the world. Before our eyes. Last week, we considered the spiritual condition of the seven churches, the apocalypse, the commendations, and condemnations issued by our Lord precisely so that those hearing them or reading them could prepare themselves for the judgments of God. We gave some historical details in order to more clearly understand or Lord Psalm warnings, but that sermon was not meant to be historical exercise. It's not historical exercise. Those churches symbolize different States of soul. We live in very serious times and we have to be ready. We know not the day nor the hour, but we have to be ready. The purpose of that sermon was for each one of us to take sock and pick which church represents him individually, and then prepare himself accordingly. Each one of us should ask, where do I fit? I fit in emphasis, even on living a good Catholic life and voting parody. Have I cooled for my first fervor? Speaker 1 00:01:25 How they're grown weary in doing good deeds? Do I belong in Smyrna? I've suffered and been persecuted for my faith, but I've been living a rock sod authentically Catholic life for years. Do I fit in? Pergamos on basically leave me a good Catholic life that perhaps I haven't completely won the battle with temperance. Maybe I'm not careful with my thoughts or my eyes, the way I dress or carry myself, or maybe I'm not married, but I'm not careful to avoid being too familiar with someone I'm interested in passionate kissing or worse. Maybe I've fallen and looking at pornography. Maybe I'm not real careful about the TV and the movies I watch. And I just tell myself, well, it won't really be that bad. And if it is, I'll just look away or maybe I party just a little, listen to rock and roll or rap. Speaker 1 00:02:25 Maybe I belong in Thyatira. I'm working at my faith, it's growing, but I still might have a few superstitious practices leftover from my or days that I haven't wrote it out yet. Totally. And maybe haven't mortified. My curiosity. And I read things I shouldn't read, especially about false religions or the occult maybe belong in Sardi's on a mortal sin. Basically. That's how I spend my life. Maybe I belong in Philadelphia. I'm living an authentic Catholic life. I'm a relatively convert or by the grace of God, I've recently received the grace to get serious about my faith. And I'm just learning everything I can and working as hard as I can to become a Saint. But I have to admit that I haven't really been put to the test yet or maybe belong in Leo de chia. I'm lukewarm halfhearted about my spiritual life. Sure. I'd like to live a good life, but it's easier to just kind of close to long and hope for the best. Which one fits me. If I'm being brutally honest, where would I place myself? Speaker 1 00:03:37 If I'm not living authentically Catholic life, if I'm not keeping the commandments and living in the state of grace, it's time to get serious. I better repent and confess everything before it's too late. Okay. So much for the review. Let's get started today. We're going to look at upcoming events and judgement day. We'll start by considering the solemn warning from the judge himself, listen carefully, take heed to yourselves. Lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and care of this life. And that day come upon. You suddenly like a snare for will come upon all who dwell upon the face of the whole earth. Watch at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that will take place and to stand before the son of man close, quote God, the son, it tells us to watch at all times to watch. Speaker 1 00:04:51 There's certain things that must come to pass before the final judgment catechism of the concept. Trent quote, the general judgment will be proceeded by these three principles signs, the preaching of the gospel throughout the world, a falling away from the faith and the coming land. I Christ close quote. Considering the time while I make a few remarks, look at the last two signs of falling away from the faith and the coming of the antichrist. First to falling away from the faith. This refers to the great apostasy for toll by st. Paul in the second chapter of his second epistle, the Thessaloniki sons see the last age of the world, which we're living in, started within Carnation of our Lord. His first coming, when our Lord comes in mercy as a little baby, it will end with the last judgment. His second coming. When our Lord comes again in justice to judge the living in the dead in the world, through fire in between those two times is the time of mercy. We're living in a time of mercy. The end is justice. In the beginning of the last age of the world, in which we live, those are remarkable phenomenon. The Jews who had the true religion rejected it, Speaker 1 00:06:16 They went into apostasy and the Gentiles, all those nations that were locked in the darkness of paganism, left their pagan gods, the devils, and came to the true religion, embraced Christ our Lord, but there's a symmetry at the end of the world. The Gentile nations will reject the true religion and return to their pagan gods, the devils, and then during the persecution of the antichrist, the Jews will convert. So that's the great apostasy, the Gentile peoples leaving Catholicism and returning to their pig and roots. And anyone with eyes to see, can see the Gentile nations turning back to paganism. It's all around us. We're witnessing the patronization of the church and society. We've got front row seats to everything becoming pagan right before our eyes and it's happening fast. Speaker 1 00:07:18 The pulps have been warning us for over a hundred years. We've got examples right up through Pope John Paul, too. I've gone through them all, a bunch of them on previous occasions today, we'll just consider a few examples. Pope Leo, the 13th directly address this topic on at least six occasions that I'm aware of. For example, in his 1897 and cyclical on devotion to Holy ghost, Leo, the 13th stated quote, those dark times seem to have come, which were for tall by Saint Paul, in which men blinded by the just judgment of God should take falsehood for truth and should believe in the Prince of this world who is a liar and the father thereof as a teacher of truth, God shall send them the operation of heirs to believe line second Thessalonians two 10 in the last time, some shall depart from the faith giving heed to spirits of air and the doctrines of devils. Speaker 1 00:08:20 First Timothy four, one close quote, the vicar of Christ. It is first and cyclical in 1903, Pope Saint Pius, the 10th returned to this topic, quote, who can fail to see that society is at the present time. More than any past age, suffering from a terrible and deeply rooted malady, which developing every day and eating into its inner most being is dragging it to destruction. You understand venerable brethren, what this disease apostasy from God, when all this is considered, there is good reason to fear less. This great perversity may be as it were a foretaste and behalfs. The beginning of those evils, which are reserved for the last days, close quote, the vicar of Christ. We could keep going on and on. We'll close with one final comment made by Cardinal Carl White Tila shortly before becoming pulp quote. We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. Speaker 1 00:09:33 I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the church and the anti church of the gospel versus the anti gospel close quote. And yes, he said the final confrontation. So it's well within the boundaries of prudence to conclude that we're living in the great apostasy precisely where we don't know, we don't know, but when he was macho at all times, second sign the coming of the antichrist and his 1905 book on the antichrist cited by the great father Fe the Jewish convert and priest, father, Augustine layman lists, things that are certain about the antichrist. These are things that are certain. Then I Christ will be a man, not Satan in human form. He'll be a man with great powers of seduction owned a certain personal qualities. Speaker 1 00:10:39 The beginning of the antichrist career will be lowly and obscure, but he will increase in power and make conquests until he has a worldwide rule. Then I Christ will wage a terrible war against God and the church. He will prohibit Christian teaching and make teaching of air obligatory. Then I Christ will seek to prove that he has God by means of diabolical prodigies that are so amazing that they will seduce the masses, diabolical projects or things that appear to be miracles that are done by the power and workings of Satan. The domination persecution, antichrist will be temporary and he will be destroyed. Obviously then I, Christ is not in power yet, but we can see clear foreshadowings in terms of prohibiting Christian teaching, teaching air, what do we have homeschooling? This has already started in Canada. It's already gearing up here with this whole idea of hate speech concerning certain perversions. And it sure doesn't take a profit to see that we're going to have a persecution of some sort. So how are we supposed to handle that? What are we supposed to do? Do our duty and our state in life. Keep the mat commandments, stay in the state of grace. Speaker 1 00:12:02 We have to make fervent communions. Like we've never made before we have to, we have to, I was talking an extra cyst Friday night. We had a long phone conversation talking about the absolutely unbelievable unreal level of demonic activity. It's never been like this before. It's a title wave. We can't leave any open doors, Speaker 1 00:12:33 No open doors, no serious sin, no habits of sin. None does everybody understand why we try to get you to confession? We have to confess every serious sin. We have to forgive our enemies. We can't be many open doors because it defaults will be in the central thing to keep in mind is if we're protected by the precious blood, we can make it. That means we have to stay in the state of grace and keep the commandments. But by doing that, we will come under attack. The most painful attacks will come from my own friends and family. We will be attacked by friends, family members, the world, after all, what happened to our Lord? A friend betrayed with a kiss that was a friend. Speaker 1 00:13:31 Another friend denied him three times. Those were his friends. What about all the people that he cared that he cast the demons out of? When he was dragged in front of Pontius, pot, not one of them said anything and his defense. They were standing there in that crowd. They watched, as he was judged, they watched, as he took up his cross and started towards Golgotha, they were the ones he had helped, but even in the face of such monstrous and gratitude, our Lord forgave him, forgive and father for they know not what they do. He forgave him. He expects us to do the same, come up. May Speaker 1 00:14:24 We need to remember that Jesus is alive. He sees everything. He'll be there. And solar lady she'll protect us, but we have to do our part and just plain flat stay in the state of grace, stay in the boundaries of the law, do our duty and our stayed alive. Keep the commandments. So before judgment day, there'll be the great apostasy, the domination persecution, the antichrist, but he'll be destroyed sometime after that comes the judgment day. The last day, the day begins with fire falling from heaven. Kenenisa Lapidus says that because the world is a kind of temple created for the honor and worship of God, because it's been so polluted by the innumerable sins of men and demons, it should be thoroughly cleansed. And this will be done by means of fire. St. Thomas says that all men will die. Quote, indeed, all men, whether good or evil shall perish and be reduced to ashes, but the good in whom there's nothing to purge self Schaeffer, no pain. Speaker 1 00:15:34 Well, the evil shall be terribly tortured. The good in whom there is something to be purged will suffer more or less pain depending on their merits, just as happens in the fires of purgatory close quote that's because purgatory ends on the last day. So everybody that's alive up to that point in time. If they have purgatory time coming, they get it right like that. From this point, we'll fall asleep. Now fonts, as soon as we do that, we'll use this picture of the last judgment from the Sistine chapel as a visual aid. It's really incredible. Although some of them need some more clothes Saint Alphonsus after the death of all men, the trumpet will sound and all rise. Again. We can see this in the very middle of the picture below our Lord and right above the crucifix on the altar, there's a group of angels blowing their trumpets on the lower left. Speaker 1 00:16:30 We can see the resurrection of the dead as they come up out of the graves coming up out of their burial, shrouds the dead, coming forth at the sound of the trumpet Saint Alphonsus. Oh, how great will be the difference between the bodies of the just, and the bodies that damned that just will appear brilliant, more beautiful and more resplendent than the son of great. Then we'll be the happiness of those who have practiced mortification of the flesh. But on the other hand, the bodies of the dam will appear black and hideous and will send forth an intolerable stench of how great, the pain of the damned and taking possession of their bodies. The curse it body, the soul will say to indulge you I've brought myself to perdition. After the resurrection, the angel says some of them took pier the value of Joseph fat that they're, they might be judged when the whole human race will be assembled. Speaker 1 00:17:30 The angels will come and separate. The repor bait from the elect, the just was standing on the right and the wicked will be driven to the left. How great would be the pain that you would feel at being driven out of a pleasurable party, but how much greater will be the pain of those that are banished from the society of saints? The brother shall be separated from the brother. The son will be separated from his father. The mother will be separated from her children. Husband be separated from his wife, but behold, the heavens are opened. The angels come to assist at the general judgment, carrying the sign of the cross and other instruments of the passion of our Lord. We can see this at the top of the painting and these two half circles, right near the ceiling on the upper left, we can see the angels carrying the cross. Speaker 1 00:18:26 Then just moving towards the center a little bit. We see an angel carrying the crown of thorns and in the upper, right, we see angels carrying the pillar to which our Lord was tied for a scourging at the sign of the cross. Oh, great. Will be the wailing of sinners who during life disregarded their own salvation, which the son of God purchased at. So great. A price. Mary, the queen of angels and saints will come to assist at the last judgment. And lastly, the eternal judge will come seated on a throne of majesty and light, and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty in the upper middle of the picture. We can see our Lord with the blessed Virgin Mary, just to his right. Our Lord is in the act here of rising from his throne to the clouds. Speaker 1 00:19:13 His right arm raised is if he's about to pass judgment on the down the side of Jesus Christ will console the elect. But in the repor Bay, it will excite more pain than hell itself. Then we'll be verified. The prediction of st. John, that the Dan will call upon the mountains to fall upon them and to hide them from the side of the angry judge. And they shall say to the mountains in the rocks fall upon us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb. But behold, the judgment already begins. The books of conscience are opened. We can see this. We look back where the angels at blowing the trumpets, the two angels in the very front of that group, right above the altar cross are each holding books. The angel on the left front of the group is holding a smaller book. Speaker 1 00:20:03 And the angel on the right front is holding a larger book and look towards whom the larger book is being held. The judgment begins. The witnesses against reprobate will be first, the devils who will say most just God declare him to be mine who was unwilling to be yours. The judge himself has been present at all. The insults offered to him will give evidence against the sinner. He'll make known to all men, the most secret and shameful sins of the reprobate who exposed to view all their secret impurities, injustices, and cruelties. They can offer no excuses. The Cincy elect will not be manifested, but will be. Speaker 1 00:20:48 But now it comes to sentence. The sentence of the elect and their destiny to eternal glory shall first be declared that the pains of the rep probate may be increased by the side of what they have lost come. You blessed him. My father possessed the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation, the world who bless all the tears shed for their sins. All their good works, all their prayers mortifications and communions. Most Holy Mary will also bless her servants and invite them with her to heaven. And after these blessings, the elect, seeing all who he is, shall enter paradise to praise and love God for all eternity. If we look to the left of the trumping angels, we can see the elect ascending into heaven, and we can see all around our Lord, the blessed Virgin, uh, the ones that have already arrived. For example, right next to our lady is just immediately to the left with his back to us and holding his cross is Saint Andrew. Speaker 1 00:21:44 The apostle whose feast day is today just below our lady. We can see st. Lawrence hoarding his Gridiron just to the right of Saint Lawrence, kind of below our Lord. Slightly, slightly over to the right is st. Bartholomew. That's him holding his own skin. He was skinned out alive, slightly above and to the right of Saint Bartholomew. We can see st Peter holding the keys. He's turned towards our Lord a little to the right of Saint Bartholomew's skin. We can see a man holding a cross that st dismiss the good thief with his cross right next to him is st. Blaise, who has two cards for carting wool. That is kind of a calm if you've ever carted wool, just below him. We see Saint Catherine Alexander. She's got that half FARC. That's part of a broken wheel with the blades from that device that was supposed to kill her, but it broke apart. So they had to be header immediately to the right of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. We can see Saint Sebastian, he's stepping up onto a cloud and he's holding arrows up in his left hand. And those arrows in his left hand is right next to leg of st. Simon of styrene. Who's carrying a great big cross. Speaker 1 00:22:56 After this sentence, the judge will turn to the wicked and say, since you have renounced and despise, my grace depart from me, you curse it into everlasting fire, be gone for me. I wish neither to see, or to hear you ever more. You curse it, go. And since you've despised my blessing go a cursive and where a Lord will they go Into fire and to hell to burn and both soul and body, and for how many years Speaker 1 00:23:33 For all eternity, for as long as God is God. After the sentence, the wicked she'll take leave of the angels of the saints of their relatives and of the blessed mother in the middle of that Valley. A great pitch shall be opened into which the devils and the Dan will fall. If we look to the right of the trumpeting angels, we can see the down being dragged down to hell by demons. And if you look closely between beneath st. Catherine Alexandria on the right, on the cloud, on the right about halfway up the sea, Saint Catherine and st. Sebastian right below me, can see the angels there. Be there even the good angels, a beaten the dam down into hell. So you can see them beat in the dam down into Hill. Just look at the look of despair on a reprobate of it's just immediately to the right of the trumpeting angels. Speaker 1 00:24:27 She's all kind of folded up on herself, got one hand hanging under her face, the soca despair. What have I done to myself for all eternity? If we look just to the right above the altar, we can see imagery that Michelangelo drew from the divine comedy of Dante. There's a boatload of dam. That's just reached Inferno and we can see the demonic. Boltman Karen he's whacking the dammed off the boat with his door. He's right above the crucifix. There that's him whacking the dam. And there they are. We can see, we can see in the lower right corner, devil's dragging him off the ship of the damned into Hill. Oh God. They will see those Gates closed. Never to be opened. Never, never, never for all eternity on my savior. My God, what sentence shall I receive on that day? Speaker 2 00:25:32 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:25:37 If all my cheeses do not demand an account of my life, what could I say to the Speaker 2 00:25:43 <inaudible>? Speaker 1 00:25:46 But my Lord, you always ready to pardon? All who repent and flame me with thy. Holy love that. I shall never again think of separating myself from them. Oh, my Jesus saved me, Mary. My hope, my refuge and my mother helped me. No one has ever been lost was had recourse to the, to the ICOM have pity on me. Speaker 2 00:26:15 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:26:21 We live in very, very serious times. Jesus alive. He knows what's going on. He sees everything. We must keep the commandments. We must stay in the state of grace. We must forgive those who hurt us, practice, love and compassion for our neighbors. Take heed to yourselves. Lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and care this life a day. Come upon. You suddenly like a snare. Watch it all times praying that you may have strength to stand before the son of man Jesus is alive Speaker 2 00:27:07 And he's coming.

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