The Transfiguration 2017

March 12, 2017 00:36:40
The Transfiguration 2017
Veritas Caritas
The Transfiguration 2017

Mar 12 2017 | 00:36:40


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Speaker 1 00:00:06 As usual, the quotes are edited and cut and pasted. We'll be relying principally on the work of father cleanliness, ELAP. Your day is great. Contrary st. Thomas Charles, Garside dr. Tim gray and commentary from Ignatius press study. Any has transfigured before then. And his face did shine in the zone. Has garments became what is snow and behold there appeared to him, Moses and Elias talking with him and every father, the son, and the Holy spirit. Amen. Today we'll go through the gospel line by line adding commentary as we go. So let's get started. Matthew chapter 17, verse one, and after six days, Jesus, take us onto him. Peter James and John, his brother, and bring them up into a high mountain, a par, where did this happen? That's great doctors that church st. Cyril, the truism st. John damages, the venerable bead, and other theologians explicitly teach that Christ was transfigured on mountain table. Speaker 1 00:01:16 Why did Christ bring Peter James and John as witnesses? The great doctor, the church, Saint Don D damn seat States quote. He took Peter. We should show him that the testimony, which she had born was confirmed by the testimony that father, because he was about to become the visible head of the whole church. He took James because he was about to die for Christ. He took John because he was, as it were the most pure instrument of theology, the beholding, the glory of the son of God, which is not subject to the time he might declare in the beginning was the word close quote, the great doctor, the church, Saint Hillary a podium says it. The three men who were taken up symbolize the future selection of the people of God from a threefold origin, the sons of Shem, the sons of cam and the sons of JF at the course, those are the three sons of no, that great doctor, church st. Speaker 1 00:02:20 And some States that these three apostles to know that those who've got considered worthy above others to be hold the vision. And the glory of themself are of a threefold order. Peter denotes the fervent and Cher for, he was armed in that virtue. John a Virgin signifies, Virgin James, the first martyr among the apostles to notes. Those who suffer and moderns. Again, Peter stands for those who are rocks that is strong and constant and faith and virtue. John stands for the chaste. James planter stands for those who tread on advices and trample them on her foot for such a worthy of the vision of God, verse two. And he was transfigured before then. And his face did shine as his son and his garments became white as snow. What was Christ doing here? Coordinates allowed me to quote Christ showed us apostles the external glory of his body, which was an indication of his divinity. Speaker 1 00:03:27 That by it, as through a Ching, they might, in some way, we hold the glory and majesty of his God, even though it failed by the body, the fathers teach that Christ did not transfigure himself before the three apostles. So as to manifest his divinity to them, as he does to the saints in heaven, which is their blessing is for the divine nature, cannot be healed by any means of flesh close quote. Why did Christ do this? The great doc for the church, the common doctor st. Thomas T States quote Christ wished to be transfigured in order to show him in his glory and arouse men to a desire of it. Now, men are brought to the glory of eternal beatitude by Christ, not only those who afternoon, but also those who proceeded, consequently was fitting. What does should, should be present from among those who proceeded him, namely Moses and Alliance. Speaker 1 00:04:29 And from those who fought after him, namely Peter, James, and John, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, this word might stand close. Is the lab today. Listen, more reasons why Christ our Lord was transfigured first to by means of his glory and brightness. And by the testimony of Elias and Moses, he might prove his divinity to his apostles and show it was hidden or veiled underneath his humanity, too, that he might forewarn his disciples not to lose confidence when they should be holding nailed to the cross on mountain Calvary three, according to those doctors, the church st. Efram of serious st. Cyril Jerusalem st. John damage st. Base of the grade, that Christ might okay. That it will come again in this manner with great power majesty judge, the world, therefore Elias also appeared who will be the precursor of Christ when he comes to judgment for that he might've listened and it creates the faith and hope and courage and zeal, the apostles and the rest of the faithful undergo bravely for the sake of the gospel, whatever trials come in the hole of obtaining a similar the glory at the resurrection. Speaker 1 00:05:54 What prophet, the old Testament should we be reminded of by the line that his face did shine as the son Moses, the Saint Hillary of podium points. So when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, after the glory of the Lord appeared to him, and after he received the tablets of the law, his face was radiant with light. As we can see an X is 34, but in the case of Moses, this or came from without, whereas the glory of Christ was from within first three and behold, there appeared to them Moses, and Ally's talking with them. Why were Moses and Elias? Present? Elias is also known as Elijah. The great dr. Church st. Augusta and States quote, Moses signifies the law. Now let's pause here for a moment to make sure we all know what it means to say that Moses signifies the law. Moses who's. Speaker 1 00:06:53 We all know led the people of Israel out of Egypt during the Exodus, you'll end up odd that slavery in Egypt through the red sea led them during their 40 years of water in the desert. Moses went up on Mount Sinai and brought down the 10 commandments to the people of Israel. Moses Austin Spire authored the first five books of the Bible, Genesis Exodus, Leviticus numbers, and due to run those five books are also known as the Pentateuch. Pentateuch is a great word. That means the five books. Those five books are known as the Pentateuch, the law, or the Torah. The Torah is the Hebrew word for those books. So Moses is called the law giver. He brought the 10 commandments down from God. He brought the law down from God, and he's inspired author of the first five books to VOD. Again, Genesis Exodus, Leviticus numbers, and Deuteronomy, which those books are also known as the pen to the law or the Torah. Speaker 1 00:07:56 So standard Guston States, quote, Moses signified the law Elias signified. The profits was a gospel is signified by the Lord. It was for this reason, these three appeared on a mountain, whereas he showed the glory of his continence and clothing to this site for a period in the middle between Moses and Alliance, as it were the gospel receiving testimony from the law and the prophets close. Cool st. Thomas explains quote as Saint John Chris system says Moses didn't last or brought forward for many reasons. And first of all, because the multitude said Christ was Elias or Jeremiah. So one of the prophets, he brings the leaders of the profits with him that by doing so they might see the difference between the servants and their lower. Another reason was it Moses gave the law, whereas Elias was jealous for the glory. God, therefore, by a period together with Christ, they show how false through the Jews accused him of transgressing the law in a blast from the blasphemously appropriate to himself. Speaker 1 00:09:07 The glory of God. A third reason was it showed that Christ has power over death in life. And that he's a judge, the dead living by bringing with him, Moses who had died and Elias who still lived a fourth reason was because as Luke says, they spoke with Christ about his passion and death. Therefore, in order to strengthen the hearts of the disciples with a view to this, he sets before them, those who would expose themselves to death for God's sake, since most is a brave death and opposing fare in Alliance with posing King, a fifth reason was that he wished his disciples to imitate the madness of Moses and the zeal of Alliance st. Hilary Cody adds a sixth street, namely, in order to signify that Christ had been foretold both by the law, which Moses gave to them as well as by the prophets of whom Elias was the principal example, close quote, Courtney, this dilapidate quote. Speaker 1 00:10:09 Moses was the legislator of the old law and Elias was the Prince of prophecy and the profits, and therefore represents the whole choir of the prophets. These two appeared that they might show that Christ was the true Messiah as the savior of the world promised in the law and the prophets, according to those doctors of the church st. Jerome, Saint John prison system, and Saint Ambrose, the law is shown to harmonize with Christ by the presence of Moses and prophecy is shown to harmonize with Christ by the presence of allies. Furthermore, they also show that both the law and prophecy had accomplished their work and therefore ended in a given place to Christ as a new log. Every prophet sent from God and promised by all the prophets most, especially by Moses. In those words we find in Deuteronomy 18, 18, I raised them up a profit out of the midst of their brother, liked to be, and I'll put my words in his mouth st. Speaker 1 00:11:05 Jerome ads at Moses and Elias had Meredith this vision because like Christ, they had fast 40 days and 40 nights was cool. What we're Christ, Moses and Elias talking about in chapter nine, verses 30 and 31 Saint Luke records, the topic of their conversation, quote and behold, two men talking to Moses and Elijah who appeared in glory and spoke of his Exodus. That's the literal Greek word. And Saint Luke uses there. Behold two men talk to Moses and Elijah who appeared in glory and spoke of his ecstasy, which was to accomplish a true stone. Cleanliness elapid explains quilt. They spoke of his accident, his departure, that is to say his death, the victory, which Christ was to win over death and sin. And illusion has made a deliverance, the Exodus of Israel from Egypt and the destruction of Pharaoh and his host in the red sea, which that type of the deliverance affected by Christ for his people. Speaker 1 00:12:06 St. Stereo thinks that by Exodus, we must understand his passion close quote. Now regarding this conversation, dr. Tim gray has some penetrating remarks, dr. Greg, who could possibly be better to discuss the X this with than Moses, the leader of Israel's first accidents, the events of Sinai repeated during the transfiguration, the glory cloud of the Lord descends upon them. The, and the disciples who liked to Israel. So bold are afraid on Mount Sinai. Moses face was transfigured with the glory of God. Jesus face also shines with glory, but even more than Moses, Jesus, whole appearance becomes dazzling white cheeses out shines. Moses jesus' transfiguration glory is a revelation of his perfected and glorified humanity. Jesus reveals God. The father's desire to transform humanity into the likeness of divine glory. When Moses rated it God's glory, it was not a sign that Moses was divine put, rather he was given the grace to share in God's glory. Speaker 1 00:13:16 The events of Sinai are transfigured, but the sense of glory upon our Lord, a mountain tape on the monitor, transfiguration, the new Sinai, a new Torah, a new law has revealed the new Torah. The new law is not the word of God written on stone tablets, but the word made flesh the voice from the cloud announces the new law, which is a person. This is my son, my chosen listen to him on the new and greater Sinai. The father reveals that the son Jesus takes the place that Torah Jesus takes the place of the old law. Jesus embodies the law the best way to know and understand the will of the father is to look at and to listen to his son. The command, listen to him, echoes the prophecy of Moses, the one greater than he would come and give a new covenant and law. Speaker 1 00:14:10 And Moses concluded the prophecy with the command that Israel listen to him. Jesus is that new and greater Moses. The conversation between Moses Jesus and logic concerns, our Lord's exited is the connection with Moses highlights. How jesus' mission is to be seen as a new accident. The place for the Exodus is true slump. Shortly after this conversation, Jesus set his face to go to truth as is recorded in the gospel of Saint Luke. The reason's revealed on Mount Tabor, Jesus, his journey to Jerusalem to accomplish the new Exodus close quote. What other parallels are there between our Lord and Moses? There are many the notes that Ignatius study Bible point out a few quote as a Supreme law giver of the old covenant, Moses prefigures Christ, who gives the new law in the sermon on the mam. And in regards to transfiguration, there are also many parallels, both the revelation to Moses and the transfiguration of our Lord, the Corona mom, during the revelation of Moses and the transfiguration of our Lord Jesus at most each take three companions with them during the revelation to Moses and the transfiguration of our Lord. Speaker 1 00:15:30 The face is a, both Jesus and Moses shine with thoughts, glory, both the revelation of Moses and the transfiguration of our Lord involve the glory cloud of the Lord's presence, both the revelation to Moses and the transfiguration of a Lord involve. God's speaking with a heavenly voice. And finally, Moses bears witness to Jesus, his greater glory, the transfiguration where Jesus is so cased as a prophet like Moses close quotes. How did Moses and Elias get to mom? Tabor coordinator 12, the all of Moses was translated from the limbo of the fathers to earth, by an angel. And when Moses was brought up to her st. Thomas States that an angel formed a body out of materials at Han said, Moses would be visible. Everyone agrees. It was Elias himself appeared in his own book for last was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire and is still alive. Speaker 1 00:16:27 Then become again, contend with Anna provost from paradise, therefore from the place to which he was translated, he was suddenly transferred by an angel, the Tabor that he might talk to and witness Christ his transfiguration close poles. Could you please explain what it means to save that Elias was taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire. In order to understand this, we need to take a moment to talk about heaven. Typically when we hear the word heaven, we think of the boat of angels, the saints in God, but the ancient Catholics used the term heaven in a broader sense, as we can see in second Corinthians 12 two, two, four, or Saint Paul speaks to being taken up to the third heaven. He speaks to the third person, but he speaking about himself. I can pull it from st. Paul, a man in Christ who 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Speaker 1 00:17:20 Wasn't the body of the body. I do not know. God knows close call a man. Cut up to the third heaven. What is the third habit? What st. Paul talking about last week, ancient Catholics. He, the term heaven in a broader sense, they use the term to refer to three places to three different levels. The first heaven is what we call the atmosphere. The second Avenue is what we call outer space. And the third is what we call heaven. Okay. So that's what they meant. So the question about what it means to say that Elias has taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire, that great talk for the church whose face, day to day Saint Gregory. The great explains that when it is said that Elias was taken up into heaven, this refers to the aerial heaven in which birds fly, which is why in Matthew eight 20, they are called birds of heaven. Speaker 1 00:18:16 And Pope Saint Gregory explains that Elias was carried up into this heaven. So he might be suddenly conveyed to some secret region of the earth where he would live in greater peace, the spirit and the flesh until he returns at the end of the world and pays the debt of death. Close quote, say Thomas States quote Elias was taken up into the atmospheric heaven, but not to the heaven, which is the boat of the sings. Likewise EasyKnock was translated into the earthly paradise close. Okay. So who's EasyKnock and what does he have to do with lies is one of the patriarchs. He's the father and the Thula. He's the great grandfather of Noah centuries before the great flood like alive. He was taken up and translated somewhere. Cardinal too, is the 16th century. Spanish theologian says that the reason he not was not present at the transfiguration is because he lived before the law was given to the choose glass and you knock or not together somewhere. Speaker 1 00:19:19 But at the end of the world, there would turn to battle. The antichrist Elias will have a special mission to preach and convert to Jews, and we'll have a special mission to preach to and convert the chant. That's always been stood of Elias. There was some debate amongst some of the ancient fathers as to the role of the arena. And so it was one of the glories and Scholastic theologians to work this out in detail, by sorting through the scriptures. And the father has a great doc for the church, Saint Robert Bellarmine States. Cool. It is either Paris, approximate to Harrison to deny that he not going to lie us. We'll personally return. You're not going to lie. Us are still living. When the antichrist comes, they will oppose him and preserve the elect and the faith of Christ and convert to choose close quote. Speaker 1 00:20:05 So you can read about that. Those are the two witnesses in apocalypse, chapter 11, verses three to 12, the great Spanish theologian Francisco Suarez States, quote. It is the faith that neither you knock or lies have ever died. Holy scripture is explicit on this point and Genesis five 22, we read it. He not walked with God was see no more because God took him when a crazy ask is 44 16. We read that, please, God, it was translated into paradise, but it may be at to repentance to the nations. And in Hebrews 11, five already read you that Enoch was translated that he should not see death. And it was not fun because got it translated. It is declared and Ecclesiastes because 48, nine and 10, he was taken up in a whirlwind and fire knits, share it a fiery horses. And it is registered in the judgments of times to appease the wrath of the Lord, to reconcile the heart of the father and his son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob by being registered. Speaker 1 00:21:10 And the judgments of times is to be understood that he is destined at some future periods to piece the wrath, the Lord close quote. So apparent anyone who realizes that both of these men are, and they are, and you can see Holy icons. I've seen Russian icons, ancient, traditional icons of them both together. And it's just like, mom's somewhere. So we don't exactly know where they are. We'll get to that in a minute anyway, to realize that they both alive. If you have any trouble at all, with the ages of the patriarchs after all last was already, it's just old as Methuselah at the time of transfigure that's per year, 2000 years ago. And with ViSalus father is still alive and will be to the end of the world where our lives, no Saurus thinks that he may have lived in the original paradise, the great flood. Speaker 1 00:21:57 And then after being in some way, divinely kept from harm. He was transferred to a hiding spot, which made possible be on the same site is that paradise that was destroyed by the waters, wherever their abode may be swore as did not Dell, but the <inaudible> Alliance intensely happy in our mutual friendship. They live in a place with which if it is not the paradise of Adam and Eve as equally beautiful, we must believe that they are lie, but we can't be sure where they are right now. Santa Gustin comments, quote, there are questions in regard to which, without any prejudice to that faith, by which we are Christians, either there may be ignorance as to what is, what is the truth and therefore any definitive judgment is suspended, or we may make a guess, which on a kind of our human and frail misgivings, maybe inconsistence with fat. Speaker 1 00:22:45 As for instance, when the questions raised as to the side of paradise, which got placed after forming from the dust, because the Christian does not doubt exists as a paradise, or what is ask, where did Elias knee-knocker at this moment for we, don't not that they are and their bodies in which they were born close, quote, what have they been doing on this time? Swarez they have the delight of receiving immense constellations from God, divine eliminations and frequent revelations and all offense about those matters, which are suitable to their condition. I don't not that they knew of the coming of Christ completion of the world's redemption by him because they had beforehand explicitly in his pad, which they also had ardently year and it was unbecoming. It should be left. Now the darkness scenario with regard to lies is clear from the gospel, the stock price at transfiguration. Speaker 1 00:23:38 And we presume that Enoch also has had some period close quote, coronary sedan, alacrity continues, quote, it is credibly believed by some, including Saint Justin martyr, Saint urinates say they support the doctor, the church Saint Bonaventure that during the 40 days between his resurrection is essentially Christ spent the time with Elias and Nina because the state of the status of alive, the last knock almost demand this as a right, given it for the sake of Christ. They're blessed. This has been delayed deferred for so many thousands of years. Will they remain living on earth instead of being able to go to heaven, to contemplate and enjoy God like the rest of his saints Christ visited so that at the very least they might receive from him the mission. They will carry out at the end of the world when they come back to battle for the truth, faith against the anti-Christ and then dies and waters for Christ close. Speaker 1 00:24:32 Cool. Why are two men being sent as four runners to Harold Christ's second coming? So our States and when Christ first came to the world, his immediate purpose was to gather and is full of lush sheep of the house of Israel. And he had there for only one 41 or who was the choose st. John the Baptist, but his second coming, our Lord was sent to four winners, a Gentile attitude. You not going to lie us because then you would be coming not to the Jews, specially, but to his universal church gathered out of both Jews and Gentiles. But even after the transfiguration work, the apostles still confused as to the role of Alliance. Yes, they were confused. We can see this action. Diversity immediately following today's gospel, where we read and his disciples asked him saying why the end of the scribes to the lies must come first coroner's lab today explains quote. Speaker 1 00:25:30 The reason for this question was it, these three apostles had seen Elias at transfiguration and then seen him going away. They're wondering why he departed when he ought to have romaine and then become the forerunner of Christ, his glorious kingdom, according to the prophecy of Malakai chapters, chapter four, verse five, a prophecy quoted and taught by describe close quote. Okay. So at this point, Peter, James and John know who our Lord is. They truly is the son of God. The Messiah, what they don't understand is how does Elias fit in this picture? So the pastas are wondering why did the lies depart when he ought to, for me become the forerunner of Christ, his glorious kingdom, according to the prophecy of Malika, four, five, and six. And I read the prophesy behold, I will send you lies to the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Speaker 1 00:26:25 And he shall turn the part of the fathers to their children in the hearts of the children, to their fathers, thus book of the prophet Malakai. This is not confusing for us since we read it as a prophecy, which will be fulfilled at the end of the world, just before the second coming, for example, the Haydock commentary explains the meaning of Malakai's praise. He shall turn the hearts of the fathers, to the children and the hearts that showed in their fathers as follows. Cool. I mean, over the Jews to the faith of Christ, Elijah reconciled into their fathers, that is to say the patriarchs and prophets whose hearts for many ages have been turned away from the Jews because of their religion could believe in Christ closed cart. Okay? So for us, it's easy to understand. Pastas are understandably confused. Since the scribes, they explain things. Speaker 1 00:27:13 Otherwise coordinator for the scribes did not distinguish between the first and second coming of Christ, even as now, the chews fail to do so for they denied it. Christ has come and are expecting him as still about to come because Elias has not yet appeared to point him up close. Cool. So our Lord responds to the confusion of the apostles by answering a lot of us in deed should come and restore all things. But I stated that Elias has already come and they knew him not, but have done it to him whatsoever. They had a mind. So also shall the sentiment suffer for them. Then there's a second sentence to that. He spoke to them with John the Baptist. So Lord clears up their confusion by identifying John the Baptist as the type or the foreshadowing of Elias as the one who had come the spirit of loss at this time, then the pastas can see the literal and true allies will be the Fort comer and four runner. Speaker 1 00:28:09 And second come. Why then when the Pharisees asked st. John the Baptist, if he realized to the answer, no, because the object of the first season was not to find out the truth of the situation, but trap him in his words. So to st. John answered them truly in their sense of the name, he was not literally allies because of the wickedness. He didn't explain himself any further coordinate, slap quote. It was not because Elias had not yet come that the chews persistent, not believing him to be the Messiah because they were reversed and obstinate. And their wickedness for that Elias had already been promised before Christ first admin Navy st. John Baptist had already come, had already pointed out. Christ describes that he wasn't the size, but they wouldn't believe John therefore Christ ads. And they knew him, not. That is to say, they refuse to recognize that Saint John, the Baptist was a forwarder of Christ, but they have done it unto him whatsoever. Speaker 1 00:29:03 They had a mind that is wanting to approve their vices. They hated and persecuted him, delivered them up to here, who sought his life and ultimately killed him with their approval close. Cool alert, closest explanation with the observation. And he too will suffer from the same man that killed st. John Baptist. Is there any particular reason that Jews were listed to Elias when he returns both alive saying we'll have the power to confirm their preaching was spectacular. Miracles, grenades elaborate explains it. At the end of the world last will have the same power. He had an atrium times to call up the cost of fire to fall from heaven, Devar the enemies of God, both by means of his prayers and simply by his command, but also have the part of snippet close that heavens and stuff are in. It will just like Elias had in the old days will also be given a power, which was given to Moses and his battles against Pharaoh. Speaker 1 00:29:55 Turn the waters into bloods. Trek earth was ever any sort of plagues with which they wish. Interestingly enough, even our day and age, the DevOps Jews are still on the lookout for lies. In fact, last night, they prayed to God to send a lies. Now I checked with an Orthodox Jewish Tran who is being moved by Lorna. Please pray for him. And especially who I from showed him, cause it's a miracle for somebody like this to convert, but he now believes our lady is our lady and the arc of the covenant. That Christ is Lord on that. But there's complicated things getting out of that and extracting his kids and wife at the same time. Anyway, lies is invoked on Saturday evening in the ceremony. That concludes a Sabbath day. During the closing ham, they ask God to send a last term of falling week. Speaker 1 00:30:42 And I quote Elijah, the prophet, Elijah, the Tishbite that had come quick, you know, deal with the Messiah, the son of David close quote. Not only that, but he's also involved because in his role as the 400 of them reside during the Jewish grace after meals and the Jewish grace after meals, they pray me the merciful one sentence, Eliza, Elijah, the prophet, maybe you remember for good. He will hear them for us tidings and goodness, salvation, comfort clothes. Cool. First for and Peter answered. He said to Jesus, Lord is good for us to be what let us make here. Three Tabernacles, one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias, queerness lap at AIS. What did Peter desire that these three Tabernacles should be made since the blessed do not need dwellings? And he answers quote. Peter said that's towards the close of the transfiguration. Speaker 1 00:31:29 When Moses utilize for about two at heart Northern might keep them from leaving. What was cool? What symbolic significance to these Tabernacles have during the Exodus? When the people of Israel being led by Moses to the desert, towards the Holy land, they lived in Tabernacles. Besides that the Jews believed that in the days of the Messiah, that Jasmine would dwell in Tabernacles one author comments, the manifestation of the glory of Jesus appears to Peter to be the son to the times of the Messiah have arrived. And one of the qualities of his messianic times was to be the dwelling of the chest, the 10th signified by these huts close quote. So the Tabernacles are a reminder that during the first day of business, Moses, that the people of God from satanic King of Egypt through the desert to the very border of the Holy land, and they're all sort of monitor that the Christ has set out on a spiritual Exodus to lead the people of God from a satanic bondage to sin and devil into the freedom, enjoy of their true and eternal loyal land heaven. Speaker 1 00:32:39 First five. And as he was yet speaking behold, a bright cloud, overshadowed them, hello, voice seven cloud. Same. This is my beloved son whom I'm well pleased. Why was it the helper st. John Christus st. John dam. She explained the cloud was bright to signify the difference between the old law and the new and the old law got up here to the Hebrews and a black club because that law's full of shadow and terrors and the new law. He appears in bright because the new law rings true through Gloria. What is the significance of the word? Overshadowed? It's a great word for the outdoor shadowing and cloud is the same word used to describe the Holy spirit overshadow our lady on the Nazis. What is the significance of the voice from the thought saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased here. Speaker 1 00:33:28 You can coordinate slap. It explains the words here and does not pertain to quote Moses who's gone away, but to Christ himself as the new law giver of the new law here, he had believe and obey his commands and all things. There's an allusion to Deuteronomy 1815, where Moses said about Christ the Lord. I got a raise up to the profit of the nation of that brother, like condom me, him. I was shocked to hear these words here, and we're not sort of Christ is baptism because then for the first time shown to the world, but here we sent for as a teacher and log here, therefore it's, Tutelian Saint Leo, the grade st. John Damisha and others maintain these words to note the canceling of the old law and the commence of the new, uh, close quotes. So the command to listen to him is a heavenly confirmation. Speaker 1 00:34:20 That Jesus is the prophet, like on the Moses quote, Jesus fits his prophetic description. And because this teaching is backed by the approval and authority of the father, he must be fought as Israel. Once thought their leader, Moses close, quote, God himself made it clear that the prophet like Moses must be fought. And I quote from Deuteronomy chapter 18, I would raise up for you them a prophet like you, Moses from among their brother. And I'll put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them. All that I command and whoever will not give heed to my words, which he shall speak in my name. I myself will require it of him close quote versus, and the disciples heard he fell upon their face were very much afraid. And Jesus came and touched and said to them arise and fair nod. And they lifted up their eyes. Speaker 1 00:35:11 So no one but only cheeses quantity. So this symbolize that the law and the prophets had disappeared. Now that Christ was present, yielding their place to him. It only hear me who brought to him the true line, the gospel, uh, and as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them st. Television and old man to a son of man be risen from the dead Saint Jerome Saint John. Chris has him in the ventral breeds, save it till it until after his resurrection. Our Lord does not wish this to be preached among the people. Less, the Marvel of things seem incredible, less the cross falling after so great at glory should seem offense yet. There's a lot more that could be said, but we've gone through enough for today. Let's close today. We've taken a closer look at the transfiguration. We've seen that the presence of Moses and Elias, the father's mirror and present voice from heaven. The cloud of Lord is sending upon the Mount and the transfiguration of the Lord definitively reveals to the apostle the true identity of our Lord, and it confirms them in their faith. And although, except for st John, they don't completely respond to the grace that was given here. Nevertheless, they're all very great based training. Speaker 1 00:36:28 And they're given clear assurances that despite his death, his betrayal is betrayal, his death and apparent failure. He will ultimately triumph by means of his glorious resurrection.

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