Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Remember the ran the dog dust and a desktop, some Holy spirit. Amen. Just a quick liturgical note during the plant on a fairytale days, not on Sundays, but on the days of length, there's a, there's a prayer, right? And after the pause, communion where the priest says, who in the Arctica after fester data, which is about on your head, a lore, and then the prayers prayed over the people. And so at that point, you just literally bend over. At that point, I'll read you what it is, crash Wednesday. So this will be what the last person prayed over. Look down on Lord. And I mercy upon those who bought before the majesty that they were refreshed by the divine gift may never be sustained by heavenly aid. This is a beautiful prayer to changes every day, but they're really beautiful. Sophia daily mass, uh, during the season, you know, you hear those prayers every day.
Speaker 0 00:00:59 Okay. Today we're briefly gonna consider land from the perspective of a practice that God commanded in the 16th chapter of Deuteronomy. When he commanded the man Israel appear before it's called the alter to go off to the tabernacle. And of course, later on to the temple and bring up their ties and offerings where they were not quote to appear before the Lord him to hand it close protests, Deuteronomy 16, 60. And this is not a sermon about getting your money. It's about timing. It's interesting to see what it is. What does this have to do with Lynn in order to stand out? We had to take a moment to make sure we understand the spiritual meaning of a tie in the old Testament and the old Testament. The top offering. For example, the first approves was a tie a tie from at one 10th of all the crafts, one 10th of all the fruit of the trees and also the first floor of the cabinet sheet.
Speaker 0 00:02:00 And they were all offering to the Lord. These offerings are used to maintain the temple, to support the priest and to care for the poor, but at the time had a deeper spiritual meaning it's rooted in recognition, but basic reality, the reality is that it isn't just a crops, but it's everything that mankind has. All our possessions, even our life itself comes to us from the hands of a loving God. And so when the people of Israel offered up 10% of the fruits of their labors, which is a real sacrifice by dedicating that sacrificial time to the Lord, they recognized that all good things come from his hands. And by offering up to him the first 10% they're symbolic, we offer the honor to them all their crops. They were dedicated, satisfying at the same time, the other 90% of the produce. And they gave their first fruits.
Speaker 0 00:02:54 They gave their very best to the Lord, not a bunch of leftover half broadened food or moldy creating crippled calves or lambs, not just a little bit, a bit of their best, not just at the ranch they gave their best. They gave 10% of their list. So what does this have to do with limb? Well, there's one thing that we are each one of us and accepting, of course we don't speak of our lady this moment, but there's one thing that each one of us can claim as our own. In fact, it's the only thing that we can truly claim has completely our own. This is the only thing we can completely claim credit for the only thing. And that's,
Speaker 0 00:03:40 And the reality is that we've shown him, Florida ARCA are undying gratitude by Senate. And that real, if we meditate on it, another should foot the field. Each one of those have a profound sense of sorrow and profound desire to make amends by doing so. What does this have to do with Lynn was a great father and dr. Church Pope Saint Gregory. The great gives us the answer. He points out that land is our tides for the year that it's approximately 10% of the year, unless it's our time in regards to time. So Lynn is rooted in the recognition of a basic periodic, real happy that in spite of the fact that we fully recognize that everything that we have, all our positions every minute of every day, even our life itself, all of that's coming from the loving hands of God that we've responded to by sending.
Speaker 0 00:04:48 And so in Catholics, the people of God in the new Testament offer our land and acts of prayer and fasting and penance and spiritual exercises and offering it should be a real sacrifice, not just something trivial by dedicating that sacrificial type of time. Total Lord. We're also symbolically recognizing that all things come from Sans and in the process dedicated sanctifying the other 90% of the year at the same time. And if the people of Israel gave their first fruits, and again, it wasn't a bunch of half moldy grain, rotten fruit, or crippled calves and lands. They didn't give just a little bit of their best. They gave their best and they gave 10% of their various past. Now, if they did, yeah, can we who have been cleansed, not by the blood of goats and calves, but by the precious blood of our Lord himself, can we do any less than to offer up a pleasing time, a lamp that's filled up with our very best efforts to pray and fast and dependents and do spiritual good works.
Speaker 0 00:06:09 So you asked according to the current regulation, is the church under the pain, more or less, all the Latin Catholics are 14 on a path to abstain from meat and super gravy made from meat on Ash Wednesday, today, good Friday and all the Fridays of land and all those from 18 to 60. And you'd have to fast on Ashley's date today and good Friday on Daisy fast, only one full meal is allowed to other meekness collations may be taken, but together they should not be equal. A full meal. Eating between meals is not allowed, but like are allowed when health or ability to work would be serious effect of the fast is not obliged. So those are the current regulations under the pain, a mortal sin, all those who are 14 on up have to abstain from me are super great. Made me Nash Wednesday, good Friday, and all the Fridays of lent and all those from 1860 have to fast national Wednesday, good Friday, obviously all that's required, but is that the best we can do?
Speaker 0 00:07:12 Let's remember that our spiritual ancestors of faith offered up their very best produce before the Lord heaven forbid that I'm at judgment day, we have been given so much would be accused by that a spiritual stinginess we'll read. If you beautiful submit suggestions from work or father favored, some ideas, other ideas Epstein with more than common care from some particular fault, which ordinarily visits increase her time in prayer. If I had any of these to half an hour to read longer than usual, some spiritual book, not one what's will feed curiosity, but one which going side pass affections towards the car, such as the confessions of Saint Augustan, the imitation of Christ and the lives of the saints, afflict our bodies, some new parents prolongs and customer events beyond its usual time. Every time a clock strikes make a brief, but affection act of SAR for the soon, the season, at least three times during the day with the most profound genuflection with great feeling to DOR the divine majesty towards the four quarters of the world, which God is at this time being.
Speaker 0 00:08:27 So grievously offended, desiring in some sort of way to compensate by this loving adoration for the sins, which are then being committed in those regions, grieving for them and asking for their permission for the conversion centers and for that, and offering them the precious blood and merits of Jesus Christ, which are most dear to God and most profitable centers. It was the st. Mary Magdalen deposit obtain the conversion of many centers to, with some bias, French and Spanish short time daily spiritual conference take more than common care about the spending of our time set apart from Tennessee, proper recreation, not part of what you pass and idleness and uselessness, but rather to be more industrious. So those are a few more ideas that might strike somebody. Is it helpful if when the people of Israel gave 10% of their investible or do we have been redeemed by the precious blood?
Speaker 0 00:09:27 Do we dare? And to any less than our very best taught from a pleasing lens into hive filled with our very best efforts to pray fast to spiritual good works. He pants reparation and the conversion centers. So the 40 days of land or a time in the year, which shows our work is to make reparation of God for skin to express herself for having a friend of John, the Lord was the lameness so much, and I'm with Fenton so deeply and the whole pack just judgments. So let's remember that it's also traditional to clear any sort of special penances or spiritual practices with a confessor or director, but each one of us can some sort of physical or external fast. And each one of us do some sort of spiritual or internal fasting in each one of us can do some sort of good works.
Speaker 0 00:10:21 And each one of us cruise off to have the holiest man we've ever had this year resolved to have the whole incident you've ever had after all, when sacrifices aren't only meant to make reparation for our own sins. That's not the only purpose for them online on that. I know one last thought to honor and foul and August of 1917, our lady said called pray, pray very much like sacrifice for sinners for many souls, go to help because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them. Close call our lady of let that be said of any MRIs. This plan, let us not appear before the alternative Lord with empty hands. Let us see to pray. Pray very much. Make sacrifice for sinners for many souls, go to hell because there are not another sacrifice and pray for me.