Fruits of Repentance

April 09, 2006 00:12:15
Fruits of Repentance
Veritas Caritas
Fruits of Repentance

Apr 09 2006 | 00:12:15


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:05 Okay. In terms of the ceremony, you can start by blessing Nepal. Then we'll pass them up. Just like communion. We'll start at all too with the alter boys and everybody else can come and kneel down and we'll hand out the palms and so forth. Then wash my hands and we'll come over here. Let's sing the gospel that I just created. Then I'll say pro she Donaldson Paci, which means that it's perceived peace and will lead the way. Okay. We'll go right out the door and then at first pews and stuff. What he could follow would go out and around and back in if you'd have any trouble or whatever. Don't feel bad about staying in here. If you have little kids, what have you. Okay. We'll go up to close side around the far side of the parking lot. We'll get back after we're back. There's one more prayer and then we'll change and we'll start holding mass and he can put down your poems once mass starts. Speaker 1 00:52 One things you notice in the passion is all of a sudden towards the end, the music will change. That's called the involving involve. It's just a Latin word that means like winding up and he can hear the music, the sound of our Lord being wrapped in the whining class. So you'd, if you don't understand the words, he can understand the music cause you'll be able to hear rates, right. You'll be able to tell, believe me, it all of a sudden it just changes. And that's what the chronicler SNI. Okay, what does it all mean? Okay. We'll start with our Lord's route into truths from, we've talked about this before. On Palm Sunday, our Lord comes up to Jerusalem from Bethany. Bethany means the house of right things. Destiny is the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. And it's also where during all holy week or Lord will return to spend the night until finally holy Thursday where he's in the garden. Speaker 1 01:43 He's apprehended. But during holy week, our Lord comes from Bethany, goes to the holy city and then he goes back to Bethany and everything he does has a meeting. He comes from Jews and from the house of Wright fakes. He travels through best stage. He chooses a journey. Sweet goes through another village on his way to Jerusalem. What's best page mean? It means the house of unripe green fakes. Well, so what? Turn back the clock. Earlier in his public ministry, our Lord had worn to choose. Unless you repent, you will perish immediately. After that warning, he told them a parable. A man had a fig tree, plantings vineyard. He came sneaky food on it and he found none and he said to the vine dresser low, these three years I've come seeking fruit on his fig tree and I find that cut it down. Why should it use up the grill and the Vine Dresser ranch? Speaker 1 02:39 Let it alone, sir. This year also too, I think about it and put on the new order and if it bears fruit next year, well and good, but if not, you can cut it down. Close quote, the multitudes knew exactly what our Lord was talking about and his parable. He's warning them that they have to bring forth fruits of pamphlets and the parable, the man who owns the vineyard stands for God. The father, the fine dresser stands for Christ our Lord. The fig tree stands for the Jewish nation, which of course our lord had spent some three and a half years trying to get, bring forth good fruits. He's gone. You're not preaching to them doing their coats, healing the sick, uh, in, uh, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead, driving out the devil's, he's doing all this stuff, trying to get them to bring forth good fruits. Speaker 1 03:34 So what does all this have to do with his path into Jerusalem? He's come out from Bethany, the house of ride fakes. This is a town where he's found her parents, et Cetera, people as Mary Magdalen, Martha Lazarus, and he comes up from this town and he goes to Penn state, the house of unripe cream shakes into the holy city. He symbolically warning them even by the journey he takes. And of course, the day after palm Sunday on the, on Monday, on Monday, the day after palm Sunday as he comes up to Jerusalem again to Bethpage, he stops and he searches for fruit on a fake tree. He knows there's not going to be put on a fake tree. He's doing a symbolic terrible for them. He's got it. He's not surprised. There's not fruit there. He stops. He looks for food on the street, 20 fives done. So he curses it and it withers and dies. It's a symbolic and frightening ending to his para book. Speaker 1 04:35 It's a physical warning. He sought food on the street tree, found none justice for three and a half years. He's been seeking good fruit from his people and signing none. So what about him riding up on the ASS Nakota ass? What's all happening? It's just a fair amount of a property of Zacharias. The farthest point out there, Lord, first road on an ass. Then he got off and he wrote on the Colt why they asked his broke tried, but the Cole wasn't. The ass was symbol that Jews had been subject to God and his law and a call, which wasn't gold, try to assemble it. The chimp Talus. He'd been running wild since roughly the time of Moses and Noah when I lowered, wrote brief ass briefly and then got off and got on and started riding the coat. He was against symbolically wanting to choose their pot to be rejected. Speaker 1 05:27 The chant cars are going to take place. What's with DePaul in the olden days were both choosing gentiles, Tom symbolized victory and trial. We can see this in the old testament books such as the video kits and certain activities. We can see the Tutsis and ponds for just those purposes. As we see today in our Lord saw an entry into Jerusalem champions that Roman games were awarded palm branches. Palms are us used to the great triumphs. When an emperor a victory over an enemy, we you still see the IDN Christian are in prayer, we'll see it. Oftentimes the stained glass windows and the holy cards are statues, but it was talked about in Martins receiving the Paul and larger income and we'll see them standing there with a pol that symbolize their triumphal victory over death that they successfully contract death and ended up in heaven. So there's a lot more at all the symbolism today, but let's take a brief moment to consider symbolism of what we're doing here personally. Speaker 1 06:27 The procession aisle of the church around back in on the first level represents of course our Lloyd's triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. But on another level it represents the triumphal entry into the heavenly Jerusalem. That won't happen until ascension Thursday. So cause see it on the first level, the earth futurism on the second level of heavily Jerusalem. Now, some of the ceremonies were easier to understand before a pious for 12 changes to Chamonix. He's in 55 because it used to be when he came to the procession, you'd get to the doors and the doors were closed and on the inside there was a choir stand part of this part of the song and the outside, the choir is answering. So they're going back and forth. The inside choir symbolize the angels and the church triumphant outside and everybody else symbolized as of course the church and Milton and heavens closed. Speaker 1 07:21 And then the Sub Deacon of Bang on the door with the crucifix and the doors file and symbolizing that the heavens open by our Lord's sacrifice on the cross and then people can finally come in to heaven. Huh? Say, Bang on and do that. Unfortunately, you know, they take that out and made it easy to understand. Some times you know, they simplified it makes it harder to know what you're doing. At any rate that you said symbolizes when we're coming back in members of the church, no intent joining the church. Triumphant coming up successfully into the ranks of heaven. Okay. Then what happens after that? NASA begins and we go into the senior, the passion, the passion reminds, I said between the triumphal procession of our board into the earth, features some on calm Sunday and his triumphal processional, the Lord the heavenly Jerusalem on ascension Thursday I Lord suffered his agony and his passion. That's what opened heaven up. I've been slammed shut. Thanks to add into our Lord, opening it up. Got Out of cans. Everyone on one of us pause cause in the first place you had to come become man. He goes through all this suffering that we're reminded of during holiday week because of our sin. Speaker 1 08:40 Carson is, Huh? In the second place as Catholic, as members of the only true religion. Our Lord has the same message for us as he had for his people. While he's physically present here on her phone, he's coming to look for fruits, repentance in each of our lives, especially during this whole season of lent. He's warned each one of us time and time again throughout the leadership. Chuck here, unless you're pant, you will surely perish and in third place, just as our Lord used his path and the truth is the much fake tree and asked and call to have it asked to warn the church people of his collect cut judgment of them. So also he's given us Catholics very clear indications of his collective judgment of us. We'll just consider to this morning first that the age distinction, the cross or Lord says to weeping women of Jerusalem, don't wait for me. We put your children for, they will come a time when they would say blessed are the bearing, the Wilms never bore and the breasts that never nursed. Speaker 1 09:52 In other words, he's telling the women jurors and they would have, we should wait for the people that live in that time. A time when our loaded Willie can come looking for fruits. Fruits are the UOMO. Instead of finding those foods, we'll find people who say blessed are the barren. If find people that actually think it's better to not have children to be sterilized, the contracept or even the boy cause fruits. He's telling the women to choose and to wait for the people nap time. We're not bringing forth the fruits they expect. I don't think you need me to tell you that we're living in that time. Speaker 1 10:40 Second I lord is also giving Catholics and fairly clear indication of his collected judgment of us by the state of the church at St John utes explains quote most evident mark of God's anger, the most terrible castigation that he can reflect upon the world. Our manifested when he permits his people to fall into the hands of the clergy who are pretty smart name that indeed who God permit such things is a very positive proof. These thoroughly angry with his people and his fidgeting is most dreadful anger upon them. Close quote to God is clearly why, and they collectively, as a Catholic people, he's thoroughly angry with us. We'd each need to bring forth fruit to pendants. We need to become holy. It's holy week. We really need to enter into ourselves and think of what it is that Christ did for us, what it is that we've gone to him. We need to become hallway. Then each one of us can win. That goal is politic, tree and fall. Christ, our Lord did that. Glory is triumphal procession to heaven. We need to commit ourselves to calling us.

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