Maintaining Purity by Virtue or by Force

March 07, 2004 00:17:33
Maintaining Purity by Virtue or by Force
Veritas Caritas
Maintaining Purity by Virtue or by Force

Mar 07 2004 | 00:17:33


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:06 Okay. Last week we took a quick look at that. One of the consequences of sins against impurity where you fall upon the man who actually commits those sins. Let's make a quick review. We saw these sins in plain, the passions, therefore levels of client and from flicker. Dot. Intellect of a man who sins by lust. First intellectual blindness. The image in his imagination is messed up because of the violent excitement that lost causes in the passions. He's raging. Passions, color the image, which means if the picture of reality that he has his imagination as pocus directly on object of pleasure, and that leaves everything else fuzzy and just stink, blurred, exaggerated. Now because the image is magination is messed up. The handle act, which relies on imagination to stay in contact with reality just isn't getting a clear focus. In fact, it can't because all that's available to it is this distorted passion, overwritten imagination and the more perverted or the prey of the sins, the more those passions distort the image. Speaker 1 01:24 So the more out of contact with reality the man becomes. So the first problem with sense of lust is intellectual blindness. Second, rashness and judgment. Then flicked by such blindness isn't able to make a clear assessment of what's appropriate in your particular situation. Third, thoughtlessness, it's man's blindness and rashness making it possible for him to carefully consider and choose the best of his options. Fourth, in constancy. This man is so carried away by his passions. He's actually hindered from doing what his reason tells him not to. He done. He's a slave of his passion. He's a slave of his lower appetites. We've also seen there for problems in the will that result from sins of lust, self-love, hatred of God, love of this world, despair about the future life. We also can see why centers get so agitated when they hear the churches teaching on period. Speaker 1 02:34 Why? Because their passions are already so inflamed and excited that they're already having a difficult time controlling them and all of a sudden they're faced. They're provoked with a painful truth that excites those passions. It's a truth which is threatening to the very pleasures that they're living for. This is just like spring and Bronchi horse. They're so close to the coy, they can scare controlling selves. We can see what a great responsibility God has placed before each one of us could pray fast and Hersey for poor neighbors and slave by lust. Since by our prayers, by our small sacrifices, we can help rescue them from eternal damnation which is looming over them so much for our review sends of lust whenever and however they're committed, not only have very serious personal consequences, they also have very serious consequences for the society. Lots of very serious social consequences in spite of what some may claim sexual sins are not victimless crimes. What people do even secretly has potentially grave consequences for the society at large. Speaker 1 04:01 Sins of lust inflame the passions. The more of these passions that have been in finding perverted, the more difficult they are to get under control and the more the natural state of that man gets moved closer and closer to the out of his mind due to passion extreme like what happens when someone actually commits a crime of passion. As we saw last week, the closer man moves to that extreme of being totally dragged around by his passions. More difficulty has in controlling, especially these three problems. Me, anger and lust. Let me and your last, okay, so what, let's just consider one aspect of the problem we're facing. Our society. Pornography, four years ago in the year 2000 Hollywood released 400 movies. The so called adult film industry released 11,000 movies. There were 700 million rentals of those movies in that year. Almost a billion rentals. On top of that, only the good Lord knows how many of these sins were being committed by people. Speaker 1 05:25 Availing websites that TV shows, movies, newspapers, pitch your books, you name it. We do know that when the movies, networks, websites, phone numbers, magazines and so forth, their total, this industry gross is between 10 and $14 billion per year and that's more than the combined in case of professional football, professional basketball and professional baseball. Now stop and ponder the damage that this level of pornography past to have on suicide. Now that we know what it does to the individual we've been falling St Thomas. Let's take it from the individual and apply it to the side of ours. When we have a society in which millions, literally, millions of people are committing sins against <inaudible>. Oh, over and over again, that society will be moving more and more profoundly into intellectual and spiritual blindness, but that's not all. Just take a moment to think of what else is this flush cause you think about all this consequences. Speaker 1 06:46 You already talked about the individual. If this sinful behavior continues unopposed because of the very force of the millions of sinners who become increasing, unable to control their passions because of the very force of millions of sinners living ever, never closer to the border, that out of their mind, new to passion extreme. What's the necessary result? You have the millions and millions of people in slave to their passions. You had millions and millions of people they can scarcely control himself. Now there's only two ways to control men from the inside, from the outside, from the inside. By virtue. That's why you have to raise your children with God. Like discipline. You're instilling that from outside so that hopefully there'll be able to walk around safely because you've ingrained those virtues into them from outside. It's done with force. That's why we build prisons, virtue or force. Those are the only two ways to control men, and if you produce a society that has millions and millions of men that are unable to control themselves, that society will either descend into anarchy or charity will be as close before an antiquey breaks out completely. Speaker 1 08:17 Why? Because there's only those two ways to controlling them from the inside with virtue from the outside with force. Vicious man must be ruled with force and a society that becomes dominated by lust is a society of issues. Man. Society that's dominated by lust is a society. Doom and arche. Anterior. We'll take a brief look at two historical examples. France and Russia friends. For decades before the French revolution, there was an atmosphere of decay, key features of the culture proceeding. The revolution included the necessary attacks on our holy faith combined with insane theories that sexual prohibitions weren't needed by men in the state of nature. This was assisted by a vast amount of pornography. Their stock or see were completely immersed in pornography and immoral behavior. That's the decades leading up to the revolution. What's happening in mass is that people, it's slaves. Their passions is growing and growing because this kind of behavior now listen to this highly edited account of the time of the revolution itself, and this is highly edited quo. Speaker 1 09:44 The tidal wave of sexual anarchies swept over the whole nation. The divorce rates skyrocketed so high that their numbers and the surpass that of marriages, the number of followings born out of wedlock and abandoned soar. There was a similar increase in the number of Magdalenes. The restraints sexual instincts were abandoned. Abominations were all Billy perform festivals were accompanied by abominations. Young men and women grew openly. Licentious and this kind of behavior became a fashion. All else was forgotten in a lust to pleasure, women's clothing became completely immodest and pagan. The dregs of society resembled Sodom and Gomorrah. It side by side with this common licentiousness sadistic actions became daily occurrences in brief, debauchery reached it's back to them. It got so bad at times during the chair after violating people that got them out and use intestines as turbines, eating human flesh cannibalism. This is the kind of thing going on in a terror Russia most instructive is undoubtedly radical attempt to the Soviets to eliminate capitalistic monogamy and to establish complete sexual freedom as a cornerstone of the communist economic and social regime. Speaker 1 11:18 During the first stage of the revolution, it's leaders deliberately attempted to destroy marriage and family free. Love was glorified by the official glass of water theory. If a person is thirsty, so at the party line, it is immaterial. What glass to use is would satisfy as thirst is equally as important. How he satisfies another kind of hunger. The legal distinction between marriage and casual relations was abolished. The comment's law spoke only of contracts between males and females for the satisfaction of their, either for an indefinite or definite period, a year, a month, a week, or even for a single night. One could marry and divorce as many times as desired. Husband and wife could obtain open doors without the other and being notified it was not even necessary that marriages be registered. They give me even polygamy were permissible under the new provisions. By the way, not something that we have going on. Speaker 1 12:20 This is the first in history. Abortion was facilitated and state institutions. Premarital relations were praised and extra amount of relations were considered normal. Within a few years, hoards of wild homeless children became a real menace to the Soviet Union itself. We can think of neighborhoods in American cities like this. Millions of lives, especially the young girls, were wrecked, divorced, the skyrocketed as did abortions. The hatreds and conflicts between mates rapidly mountain and so did the rosiest work and the national factories slacking. The total results were so appalling that the government was forced to reverse as costly the propaganda of the glass of water theory. It was declared to be counterrevolutionary and its place was taken by official glorification of premarital chastity and up the sanctity of marriage. Abortion was prohibited except since 1945 under certain conditions, the liberty of divorce was radically curtailed by the decree of July 14th, 1944 it was made possible from glass majority of citizens Speaker 1 13:34 by the time this was written in the early fifties quo, Soviet Russia. Today, this isn't the fifties has been more monogamous, stable and Victorian family and marriage life. They do most of the western country. Does any of that sound familiar? Both examples sound just like what's going on around us. There's only two ways to control. Then from the inside with virtue of following God's lives, following God's lives, which we're throwing out or from outside with fours, virtue or force. Those are the only two ways to control a man and if you produce a society that has millions and millions of men unable to control itself, that societies do anarchy or carry either virtue or fours. Vicious men have to be ruled by Force Society Dominant Bay lust is society efficience man, the society dominated by lust is doomed to anarchy and our charity. When God permits his people to fall into the hands of clergy clot priests, more name than a d. It's a very positive proof that he is thoroughly angry with his people and his visiting as most dreadful anger upon them. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to wake up, smell the sulfur. We need to face some hard, painful facts. It's obvious from the state, our beloved church and our beloved nation, that we are under the judgment of God, which rationally rejected his warm, loving hand and we placed ourselves out of this fear of mercy and into this sphere of judgment. Speaker 1 15:42 We need to repent. We need to become holy. We need to quit offending God. We need to quit offending God. We have a huge responsibility here. We need to be making community and of reparation. Even though we've been talking about sins against human bodies, that's Jesus Christ, body, blood, soul, and divinity and whole entire, the most blessing sack and how many sacrilegious communions we'd done all over America today. No more sacrilegious communions. He's placed himself in a position where he wants to protect himself. If we're going to allow the body of his son to be abused, then how can we expect him to protect the bodies of our sons from abuse? No more sacrilegious communities. We need to make comedians of reparation. We needed to get serious whining, complaining, feeling bad, feeling sorry for ourselves isn't going to change anything but holiness. Holy names can change everything we need to become holy. The storm clouds are on the horizon. We need to become holy before it's too late. We have rejected the warm and loving hand of God. Speaker 2 17:29 <inaudible>.

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