Modesty: the Virtue That Guards Purity

March 21, 2004 00:23:19
Modesty: the Virtue That Guards Purity
Veritas Caritas
Modesty: the Virtue That Guards Purity

Mar 21 2004 | 00:23:19


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:06 we've been spending some time getting the context for the sixth commandment so that we'll not only know the rules, the why it is that the rules are the rules. And so we started by considering that great shining virtue, purity, which protects the incredible creative power, the power that God has blessed us with, and our holy purity puts those who are in love with it to make sure they put women and children first to keep babies first. And then we looked at the consequences of sins of left, which are sins against period. Now there's another virtue that we need to get the handle on in order to understand clearly the church is teaching when we're talking about the sixth and ninth commandment. And that virtue is modesty. Modesty is so important. That inspired word of God says in Philippians four five let your modesty be known to all men. Speaker 1 01:05 Let your modesty be known. Tall man, fine. So modesty is supposed to be known to all men, but what is it? Modesty is the virtue that gives a man the ability to be moderate and all things to control his desires, to moderate his passions and especially his desires for pleasure according to the rule of right reason. It's a card of temperance that gives him the ability to control and discipline. It's desires for pleasure according to the measure of reason. It's a moral virtue, therefore that guards purity by giving a man the power to practice, do measure in his actions and his dress sits a moral virtue. The God's purity and this relationship between modesty and purity is easy to understand. Imagine someone setting down a little bitty baby on a kitchen countertop and then going about his business. What's probably going to happen if they're not paying attention to that baby? Speaker 1 02:08 There's a good chance the baby's going to roll or call or fall off the counter and in the process get terribly hurt. Everybody knows that when they have something that's very valuable or delicate or priceless like a baby, we don't just leave it laying around. We protect it, we protect it. In the case of the baby might put it down in a crib with rails on the side or a plate man. Again, it has rails on the side to keep the bay from getting out, from falling off and getting in trouble. Okay, all right, father, but what is putting a baby on a Conor have to do with the relationship between periods of modest justice? We protect the prices. A little baby by putting guard or a guard rail around it so it can't get hurt. So also we protect purity by surrounding it with fence of modesty. Speaker 1 03:00 Purity, which protects the great protected creative power that God has blessed man with is priceless and delicate and modesty is the hedge or the fence with a wall which surrounds and protects period. That's the relationship there, Paul Pies, the 12th you just very language when he stated that modesty is a natural polar, it's a natural wall of defense of parody. Those are the terms the holy father used <inaudible> since modesty shields purity, when modesty is violated, that means there's a breach in the walls, which leaves an open pathway for impurity. So it's easy to see how absolutely essential is virtuous. Why does the violation of modesty instantly open the weight in purity? Quick Review in the first place. We all have this pet passion, desire to enjoy pleasurable things outside the rule of reason. We all have this condition that inclines us all towards sin. We all can get <inaudible> called can cue persons except in a course or lady. Speaker 1 04:10 Now on top of the fact that we're all suffering from concupiscence, our passions happen in your strongly ordered or towards the desire to procreate. Now purity also called chastity protects this great creative power, but as we've seen from the teachings of the saints, doctors and popes, impurity violation, that virtue is the virtue that fills hell with souls. Thanks because a good God, he's given us another virtue to protect us and that's the great virtue of modesty, which moderates or acts so that they don't cause anyone to have problems with lust. In other words, modesty, moderates or external acts and our dress so that we don't scandalized anyone. Now remember in Catholic moral teaching, the word scandal doesn't mean being shot like it does in common. Discourse. Being scandalized means being tempted into sin by the actions of another being scandalized as being tempted into sin by the actions of another actions which in danger, the spiritual life of another are acts of scandal. Speaker 1 05:25 Okay? Now there's two possibilities. When we're speaking of scandal, deliberate or unintentional deliberate scandal we're speaking of modesty would be, for example, if someone deliberately knowingly acts or dresses in an immodest fashion. Secondly, unintentional scanner would do in someone out of ignorance acts or dresses in any modest fashion. Let's take a quick look at both of those possibilities. Deliberate scandal, the Redemptoris moral philo origin. Father Hanley Sattler has a great discussion of this quote. If a person actually desires to stir up lust in another, his intention is evil and he commits the mortal sin even if he does not succeed in that purpose. Close quote. Okay. Still we can see that to deliberately even try to attempt someone into a serious sin to deliberately do that is in and of itself more, at least in full. It reminds us of the surplus. Now let's put that. Speaker 1 06:31 Consider unintentional scandal. The condition when someone asks addresses in any modest fashion out of ignorance. Father Sattler quote, granting that there's no evil purpose in our actions. We still have obligations to our neighbor. We may not do what we please if what we do is a danger to the salvation of our neighbors. Souls acts which in the spiritual life of another are acts of scandal and that forbid, because the love of our neighbor demands that we do not induce or help him to sin. This principle especially concerns modesty and dress and those actions which are done in company with others. Close quote, we have obligations to our neighbor. How this needs to be burned until all of our American mind, we have obligations to our neighbor. We may not do what we please if what we do is a danger to the salvation of our neighbor's soul. Speaker 1 07:43 We have obligations to our neighbor acts which endanger the spiritual life of another are acts of scandal. They're for bidden because love for our neighbor demands that we do not in any way induce him or help him descend. This principle especially concerns modesty and dress and those actions which are done in company with others. Quick Review. Deliberate scandal occurs when someone deliberately knowingly acts or dresses in an immodest fashion to stir up lust in another. This is mortally sinful. Whether or not he was successful. Unintentional scandal occurs when someone out of ignorance acts or dresses in any modest fashion. Now that we've taken a quick look at the people who are offering scandal, let's take a quick look at the people being scandalized. There are three possible categories of people to consider when considering people being scandalized by modesty. Father Sattler, the first group comprises those who are looking for opportunities to sin. Speaker 1 08:54 No one has any obligation to avoid giving opportunities to such people. They must solve their own problems. The second group is composed of ordinary people who try to lead a chase life. Divine charity obliges us to avoid giving them occasions of sin. Therefore, any action which would bring some well intentioned person to sin or to grave, dangerous in would itself be sinful. The last group includes those who however well intentioned are weak regarding their observance of the sixth commandment. This group is comprised of children, adolescents, and others who are known to be especially liable to sin. Extraordinary precautions must be taken with this group close, cold. So the three categories of men to be considered when worrying about being scandalized by immodesty. Are those looking just in ordinary folks trying to live chase lives and those who are weak, those who are looking to sin, those looking for the occasions. Speaker 1 10:02 Ordinary folks try and live chastely and the weak, especially children, adolescents, we don't have to worry about those looking for consent. They're on their own. We are obliged before God to void any immodesty which would give an ordinary man an occasion as sin and we're obliged to use extraordinary precautions in this regard around children, adolescents, and the weak. Our Lord has some very sobering words in this regard. Whoa. He that scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me. It were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck. They should be drowned, and the depth to the sea. Woe to that man. By whom? By whom? Scandal coming. Woe to that man by whom? Scandal. Comments either to scandalize the one of these little ones. It were better friends that a millstone be hanged around his neck and he'd be drowned and adapts to the seat. Speaker 1 11:04 Now keep in mind there's a symmetry here between the person offering scandal and the person being scandalized. If someone is dressing in modest fashion, they're guilty for offering forbidden fruit, but the people are scandalized. They're guilty for taking the forbidden fruit. Okay? The person offering as guilty for offering whether or not he gets any takers that person taking or guilty for taking. Okay, let's review. We've seen it because we're members of a fallen race. We all suffer from concupiscence. We know that that desire for essential goods outside the order of reason, and we've seen that because it can cue presents. Men are strongly inclined towards sins in impurity sins which fill hell was sold and we've seen that modesty, a virtue that protects us from sins and impurity and we realize that because we have obligations to our neighbor, we may not do what we please if what we do is a danger to the salvation of his soul. Speaker 1 12:05 We've seen it. Accident, danger, the spiritual life of another are called acts of scandal and God forbids them because love for our neighbor demands that we do not induce or help him to sin. We've seen that we have to be cautious around ordinary people who are trying to live chasely and extraordinarily cautious around the weak, especially children, adolescents, and we've seen it supplies to and dress and actions done in company with others. Today because of the time, we'll only look at one practical application, but before we even get started on that topic, let me make three points. First, what I'm going to say is nothing personal. I just want to get to heaven and I want you all to get there too. Okay? It's a cooperative effort. We're not in this alone. We have obligations to our neighbor. My obligation is to tell you how it is acts which in danger, the spiritual life of another or act of scandal and God forbids them. Speaker 1 13:06 It's if anybody's been offering scandal and if he doesn't repent, reform. Bottom line is there's something far worse than a millstone and his future. Second, I'm in sales, not management. I don't make this stuff up. If someone has a problem with what I'm saying here, you don't have a problem with me, he might have a problem with my delivery, but you don't have a problem. You have a problem with God. I don't make it up. Third, many people seem to think the church has a double standard, one for men and another for women, but that's not true at all. As Father Sattler points out because of the differences between the sexes, some difficulties are stronger than one sex than the other, and so they have to be dealt with accordingly. Men typically have more problems with period itself and with modesty of the eyes and of touch. Speaker 1 13:59 So this is where men have to be more careful. For example, it's certainly no secret that gene pornography is by and large a male problem. Women must give more attention to the whole field of modesty and be more considerate of the weakness of others. The difficulties come about out about even when we're speaking in terms of sin, we all ought to be pretty familiar with the story. Well, we, the names have changed. One sex is typically guilty of offering the forbidden fruit and the other sex is typically guilty of accepting. So it's nothing personal. I don't make it up. Then generally have a rough time with purity and women. Jeff and ray have a rough time with modesty. Bottom line is it Christ calls all Catholic men and all Catholic women to have a sense of responsibility for one another and to show that by practice the virtues appeared in modesty. Speaker 1 14:58 We have obligations to each other and if we're in love with him, we have to show up by how we deport ourselves. So having said that, today, we'll take a quick look at modesty and dress. The next time we pick up the topic, we'll deal with the modesty with respect to looks, just her speaking of modesty and dress. It's potentially concerns the ladies, all you dress and how you teach your children, especially your daughters, to dress. We've heard infallible word of God state. Let your modesty be known to all men. How does that concretely apply? Commodity and dress? Popeyes the 12th boat we have took refer the spiritual welfare of our neighbor to our bodily comforts. If a certain kind of dress constitutes a grave and proximate occasion of sin and in danger as the salvation of yours so and others, it is your duty to give it up. Speaker 1 16:02 Oh, Christian mothers. If you knew what a future of anxieties and perils of ill guarded shame you prepare for your sons and daughters, imprudently getting them accustomed to live, scantily dressed and making them lose their sense of modesty. You would be ashamed of yourselves and you would dread the harm you're causing to yourselves in the harm which you're causing these children whom heaven has entrusted you to be brought up. As Christians, no matter how broad and changeable styles may be, there is always an absolute norm. To be kept. Style must never be a proximate occasion of sin. Immodesty and fashion depends upon the cut of the garment. The garment must not be evaluated according to the estimation of a decadent or already corrupt society. Close quote, our Holy Father, Pope Pius the 12th the modesty and fashion depends upon the cut of the garment. There is always an absolute norm and the style must never be approximate occasion of sin. If a certain kind of dress constitutes a grave and proximate occasion of sin, it is your duty to give it up. The garment must not be evaluated according to the estimation of a decadent or already corrupt society. Speaker 1 17:41 All right? Then since immodesty depends on the cut of the garment and we're not supposed to evaluate it according to the norms of a decadent, corrupt society likes the one we live in. What's the absolute norm by which the garment must be evaluated during the reign of Popeyes? See 11 the Holy See issued the norms for modesty and dress. These are timeless standards for women's clothing. They're independent of particular fashion trends. In other words, these are the absolute norms. Number one, it must not be cut deeper than two fingers breath under the pit of the throat. In other words, no more than two fingers with a below the top of the other breasts. Kona number two, quarter length sleeves are tolerated. In other words, no sleeves is blouses or bare shoulders. Number three, it must reach beyond the knees. Number four, transparent materials are in proper. Speaker 1 18:45 Notice what these rules are intended to do. They are intended to prevent a woman from being occasions and to others. The absolute norms are designed to ensure that her body is concealed according to the measure of right reason. Concealed not reveal. What did the Holy Spirit say? Let your modesty be known to all men. Modesty also automatically forbids tight clothing. Tight sweaters, type Laos. It's tight skirts, tight shorts, tight pants. They're all immodest. They're all in modest. Let your modesty be known to all men. Those slip skirts. What are those meant to do? Attract men's eyes to your legs. Speaker 2 19:34 What for? What's it for? Speaker 1 19:37 Cause this. Let your modesty be known. Tall man. Well blessed. Did you stand up? She's one of the visionaries that Fatima was dying, laying in the hospital bed dying. She was very sad because of the worldliness of her visitors. Women who had come up in all tech out and fashionable clothes, oftentimes with low cut dresses. What is it? All for it? She asked if they only knew what eternity is. If they only knew what eternity is. Low Cut, blessed blouses, short skirts, short shoes, or short shorts. Worldly fashions. Speaker 2 20:19 What is it all for? What is it all for? Speaker 1 20:25 Oh, just in case someone's getting bent out of shape. Here is calm yourself down and ask yourself a question. Do you really think people should walk around without clothes? Speaker 2 20:35 No. Speaker 1 20:37 Then we agree exactly on the principle. We're just haggling over the application and think about what that means were holding for God's scanners. Here you're holding for someone else. If you remember what our lady, you warned us to bless, to just send a quote, certain fashions will be introduced which will offend our divine lord very much. Those who follow God ought not to follow these fashions. The church has no fashions. Our Lord is always the same clothes called the blessing Virgin Mary. Here's those apps that norms again, it must not be cut deeper than two fingers. Breath under the pit of the throat, clear length sleeves are tolerated. No bare shoulders. You must reach below the waist, not to the knees, not above the knees. Below the knees. Pottery pier used to insist that skirts would be eight inches below the knees for transmitter. Materials are in proper. Speaker 1 21:45 The pope. We have to prefer the spiritual welfare of our neighbor to our bodily comforts. If a certain kind of dress constitutes the grave and proximate occasion as sin and endangers the salvation or so in others, it is your duty to give it up. If you've got them, it's your duty to give them up. Repent before it's too late. Get rid of them. Get out the scissors, do whatever it takes. They get rid of them. Let's close with a few thoughts to meditate on from those great doctors. The church, St Gregory, the grey and Saint Andrews, Saint Gregory, the grave where Christ is there. Modesty is thumb where Christ is there. Modesty is found. Saint Ambrose. How delightful it is to do good to others by your appearance. How delightful it is to do good to others by your appearance. How delightful it is to imitate our lady or Christ is there modesty is found that your Mosty be no. Aw Man. Do good to others by your parents and let your mind Stevie known to all men.

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