St. Damasus I

December 11, 2017 00:06:01
St. Damasus I
Veritas Caritas
St. Damasus I

Dec 11 2017 | 00:06:01


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I've Maria, Christina, and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's a face to Pope Saint Dallas's. A fourth century. Pope Spaniard took, uh, took over the Holy, see the still have areas, aneurysm, raging. You had the council of Nicea council in a three 25 to deal with area aneurysm, but you still have that raging at the same time, then there was overreactions. Cause a lot of times people overreact from one hair seeing you produce another. So there's at least one character named Paul and Arice. He was a Bishop and Leah de Shia, uh, decided that, that, uh, he had to address the issue and he came up with another heresy. The Ariens denied that they, they played word games. Cause that's what heretics always do. And they use the same words we do, but they don't always mean the same thing we do. Speaker 0 00:00:55 So it's really confusing and it can confuse people. That's part of the object of the whole exercise and the devil is behind it. But, uh, so with the areas they could say the parcels create, cause they could say that Jesus was the son of God, but they didn't mean he was son that God, the son and Apollinarius overreacting. And this comes up with this thing instead of the true Orthodox belief, which is expressed in the nice thing create and the apostles could be up to understand the way we do that. There's a union in two natures. It's, there's a $3 word called the hypostatic union. That means a union in the person with the two natures are unified in the person. The hypostatic union is our Lord. There's one person. He's a divine person. The second person, the most blended plus attorney. God has sons. Speaker 0 00:01:41 He has, he has a divine personality, but the divine nature and the human nature. That's where there, if you want to call it, this is a ridiculous word. But the point of union is in the personality. So everything that he does is done by divine person, whether it's holding the whole universe in existence, in his divine nature and knowing all things in his divine nature or being born and walking around and it's human nature, the person doing it, the divine personal upon RAs, didn't get that part, right. She basically made it. Yeah. The Lord into some kind of horrible, you know, it's horrible because he makes him almost like Claymation because here you have this human body, but instead of a human soul, you have the divinity in there. So he doesn't have a soul. He has God working in him. So he's one thing like, and one of the points of the whole sacred heart is this is love a man's love. Speaker 0 00:02:36 But that man is God, that loves us. And so he has this human love. Yeah. He's God, but he has it in that sense. And so as far as he has a human nature, he can love it. There's a man. He suffers as a man. But if you take away his human soul, that all that's gone. Yeah. And so this, this was wrong. Anyway, they had to have another concert, which it was the second council. And the church is called council of Constantinople, which dealt with these kinds of things. And that are creative that we actually say, we call it the niacin. Pre-brew, it's really a nice constant aunt Creek to make sure that you can get everything right about our Lord. There were a whole series of Christological heresies. That was where the point of attack and the devil was on the church in the earlier is trying to make sure people got it wrong. Speaker 0 00:03:20 And so pumped down assists, approved the acts of council of Constantinople. He also had st. Jerome do a new translation of the scripture. It's called the Vulgate it's in. And that's exactly what we're reading from the st. Drums, Trent translationally read up there. So he had st. Drum do that. And another thing that certainly all of us that say divine office at the end of every Psalm of the divine office, you say the Gloria and that's from hope st. Damage as well. He died in the three 80. Anyway, that's just a little bit on Pope st. Dammit. I want to make one remark because it struck me or two remarks X, a couple of the readings. And, and we'll, we'll end at that, but st. Peter and he's raised right into the bishops here. When he talked about the agencies talking about the bishops here, cause he's also one, but he talks about him to feed the flock of God, taking care of it willingly, not for money and not lording it over the curtain being made a pattern of the flock from their heart. Speaker 0 00:04:24 And that's one thing we should pray for that our bishops really do start acting like this because by and large, it's not a secret. It's not even slightly split scan. Let's point out. This is not the case, right? That is not. I mean, we don't have a lot of bishops walk around that. Everybody says, wow, that's what it means to be a model Catholic. That's what it is. And this is one of the crisis in the church is we are the people when the people are Holy or then the clergy, it's the disaster of disaster because then the shape, I have no shepherds. And that is exactly where we're at right now. And the people aren't very Holy. So this is the of catastrophe we're in. So we could pray right there every day, pray hard for a clergy and especially the bishops. And lastly, a thought for everyone to think about our Lord is asking who to men say that he is, and they're going through this list of different things that pastors are, but he said, but whom do you say that? And that's a question we should all ponder. What do we believe in? How deeply do we believe it? And if we really believe that he is the son of God and we should, if we want to be saved. So what consequences is that having each one of us should have? What consequences that having my life, my thoughts in my word, my D the things that I don't do. Ask yourself that question. Who do you say that he is? Speaker 1 00:05:53 <inaudible>.

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